I will say this, up front.
This person should be called an ugly faggot to “its” face at every opportunity.
Now...I have always understood any -ism to necessarily be accompanied by some act that proves the label.
Otherwise, it is just bigotry and fully protected by the 1st Amendment.
To wit, a hiring manager tells an applicant, “We don’t hire Christians here” is clearly a prejudicial act as the Christian is being denied equal opportunity.
For a hiring manager to confide in a bar-buddy, “I don’t like hiring Christians for my employer.” is simply bigoted as no one is denied opportunity.
Same thing.
I know that I am bigoted since I harbor pre-conceived opinions of others.
Would I deny anyone an opportunity that I might be able to provide for them?
Don’t know...I’m not tasked with handing out opportunities.
I do hold a bigoted position with the obviously, mentally challenged.
Like the politician mentioned.
Meanwhile, I have no opportunities to provide for this deluded freak.
Bigotry is STILL protected by the US Constitution.
See muh tagline.
IF that were a woman (hes not) in polite society we say “plain looking”
The ugly is below the skin on this one - trans people are needing mental illness help or like this fellow it could be a ruse to attain position he wouldnt be able to get normally.
So I believe some Trans are Playing the Game