Here is a summary of the thread:
The Drop and Roll” Hit GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert Too – Two Big Drops Put Dem Ahead in Race
By Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2022 at 8:30am
“Drop and Roll” explained.
Boebert leading by 100 votes, at 8:30 AM.
Mars in 2022! Near moon tonight and tomorrow (It will probably be raining here tonight. Maybe you can see this.
"Mars is drawing ever-nearer to its opposition on December 8. That's when Earth will fly between Mars and the sun, and the distance between the 2 worlds will be the least for this 2-year period. Mars is already slightly brighter than Sirius, the sky's brightest star. And it's very red in color! Don't miss Mars! Read all about it."
There will be an occulation on December 7th.
Very interesting thread here:
I have trouble navigating on TS, I can’t find the entire thread in one place in sequential order...but s’okay, I’m reading what I can find when I have time to sit down. He seems to be saying that BITEM is going to post “My fellow Americans the storm is upon us” on twtter???
Is there a way to enlarge the summary to be able to read it? I tried various ways to no avail.
PS - I really need to take more care when asking ?s. I tried enlarging from TS and still couldn’t see; but enlarging from FR was fine.
Duh and sorry!