To what end? This type of study was done about 30+ years ago to prove that Henry Kissinger was the antichrist... how has that worked out?
I may be wrong about this but it misses the ontological power of the Biblical languages: Hebrew and Greek, especially Hebrew. If you like you can read a sampling HERE. It displays a system that proves nearly perfect in every instance.
Scriptural “gematris” attaches concepts to numbers, not alphanumerics.
1- God/creation
3 - Trinity
6- Man
7 - Rest/forgiveness
10 - a moderately large number
12 - the tribes of Israel
1000 - a large number
N*1000 - a very large number.
There are some others, but these are the most obvious.
All other forms of gematria are man-made systems and carry the baggage (errors) of sin.