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To: Cletus.D.Yokel

So he says. Why should anyone believe him? He’s basing these assertions on the Chris Miller fan channel run by... who knows who.

Q mentioned Sather, btw.

The Christopher Miller telegram he copies is this, the guy that runs that is clearly a lunatic, mixes some news/apparent factual stuff with lunacy.

Fan channel dedicated to Christopher Miller.

Not associated with or managed by Christopher Miller.

1,758 posted on 10/10/2022 3:27:45 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Never worry about anything. Worry never solved any problem or moved any stone.)
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To: little jeremiah
The ‘Point’ of The Biden Presidency
Burning Bright - Oct 10, 2022

“The Biden Administration has been a good thing.”

Those words were uttered by me at the end of a recent appearance on Patel Patriot’s Power Hour, and I stand by them.

Of course, as with most of the thoughts I devote the time and energy to writing about around these parts, there’s quite a bit more to it than that, and since the comments section at Burning Bright is generally full of engaging and level-headed conversation about all aspects of the ongoing Shadow War, I feel confident that presenting this argument to those in this community will result in far more agreement than disagreement.

After all, I’m far from the first Anon, citizen journalist, podcast host or Truth Community sleuth to point out the inherent contradiction in the idea that, while damaging in many aspects, the Biden Administration has been just about the most powerful and stark walking ‘red pill’ we could have asked for when it comes to exposing the plans a decentralized, subversive cabal of international Globalists had for sovereigns in both the east and west.

And yes, I did use ‘had’ instead of ‘have’ for a reason.

I would guess this viewpoint will be less controversial to the audience I’ve been able to cultivate at Burning Bright than it would be elsewhere, but if you’re going to engage with it honestly, you should know at the jump that, while I don’t necessarily argue that the Biden Admin is overtly controlled by patriots, I do find the net benefits on the psychological battlefield that have resulted from said Admin too convenient to ignore, both in terms of their magnitude and timing, in light of the approaching Midterm Elections and the recent Convergence in Narratives that, while damaging to emotionally-vulnerable minds still plugged in to [their] information matrix are illuminating to many in this community.

In short, while there are daily—sometimes it seems hourly—bombardments of ‘bad news,’ from Admin policy decisions to the escalating and accelerating warmonger rhetoric the Media Industrial Complex belches out like psionic smog in defense of said Admin, I believe the net benefit—that being the ‘awakening’ of a larger portion of the American populace than we have seen in generations—outweighs that which we have been forced to witness and—on an economic and cultural level—endure these last two years.

Originally, this piece was meant to be a commentary on the ongoing disaster among disasters that has been the Biden Administration’s domestic energy policy, which is to say, the policy of no policy, along with its reliance on the very foreign powers and producers it spent the better part of its campaign—and much of its former occupancy of the ‘Vice’ title in the same White House it ostensibly haunts today—demonizing in full view of an American people who have added rocketing energy and transportation costs to a litany of financial hardships thrust upon them by the burdens and abuses of an increasingly siloed collection of collectivists.

But then I realized that Biden’s latest energy gaffe was just one in a long line of them, each more absurd and indefensible than the last, and each requiring as much cognitive dissonance to engage with on an intellectual level as it takes clear-mindedness to observe on a practical level.

This engineered Crisis Cascade, while a burden on the very people true patriots seek to unleash into a brighter and more sovereign future in keeping with the prescient and wise designs of the Founding Fathers of this nation, may yet stand as an obelisk erected on the metaphorical grave of Globalism.

From failed and failing promises of loan forgiveness to the promised, but not yet actualized weaponization of the IRS to the ongoing weaponization of US intel agencies, to a disastrous withdrawal from Kabul that still resulted in the consummation of Trump’s Doha Agreement, to the fracturing of American unity and the slow, somewhat agonizing reuniting of it in shared misery and preservation to the exposure of the foundational lie represented by the fiat central banking system that has been leeching this country dry longer than any of our grandsires have been alive, the stories that need be told have been told, and the Great Pretender has done an admirable job in seeing it done, whether through his own will or one far greater.

In observing the clownish, somewhat absurd posturing of the Biden Administration, one that even conspiracy-averse conservatives often accuse of being controlled as if on strings by powers in the Democratic Party domestically and Globalist collectives abroad, I believe patriots in the west have given the American people a show that they have not been able to look away from over the course of the last 22 months—one that would be comedic if it weren’t so angering, and infuriating if it weren’t so darkly humorous.

For the memory of a leader and a leadership rests in its strength or lack thereof. Throughout the history of the world, in every land and every tongue, those who would seek to guide or to control are remembered not by individual deeds or proclamations, but in the state of the peoples they would shepherd or destroy. A strong leader begets a strong people. A weak leader’s rot spreads and metastasizes, until it proves the end of the people, or the end of him.


That is the name of the game when it comes to sniffing out [their] Narrative Deployments in this Fifth-Generation War.

But do you ever apply that thinking to ‘our’ side in the conflict between Sovereigns and Globalists? Do you ever find it strange that Donald Trump and his allies often publicly warn of the very Potential and Actual political and sociopolitical events that impact them and us before they occur?

If so, do you ever find it strange that these events are actioned anyway?

From 2020 election fraud to the impending crash of the FED-engineered house of cards that is the United States’—and the western world’s—fiat central banking system, Trump has a knack for predicting things.

The thing is, as Commander-in-Chief from 2016-20, many of us believe the mechanisms were in place and the evidence had been or could have been gathered to prevent the very horror show we have been forced to witness since the Resident took office in January of 2021.

What gives?

No doubt many who read my work also follow the Devolution Theory advanced by Jon Herold/Patel Patriot. I certainly subscribe to it, and while I leave open the possibility that it is only a piece of the Continuity of Government puzzle in this ongoing Shadow War, I believe it is a pivotal one.

That said, when applied to Trump’s prescient warnings of election fraud, collusion, foreign interference, Manchurian candidates, the Military Industrial Complex and any number of shadowy organizations and factions seeking to undermine U.S. sovereignty and American freedom, Devolution seems far more reactive than proactive.

Unless you flip the framing, and that is what I would implore you to do today.

Rather than considering Devolution a reaction to election fraud, and a means of protecting ‘red lines’ inherent in the preservation of critical infrastructure and National Security of the United States, consider why some in this community—myself included—believe Devolution was far from a case of ‘just in case,’ and far more a pre-planned, foundational aspect of the ongoing and inevitable ‘Great Awakening.’

If we are, after all in something of a ‘Mind War,’ or a war for control of the Collective Mind of American Society, and if a good portion of said Mind remained under the thrall of Marxist and Globalist ideology even after the relative success of the first Trump term, then doesn’t it stand to reason that Mind would need to be shaken into wakefulness in order to both expose the enemies within our midst and the lies they have spun into a web that has constricted the American movement for the better part of the last century?


That word again. But in what context? For surely there are contradictions every day. Contradictions in the Narratives we are meant to passively absorb and actively regurgitate. Contradictions meant to demoralize us and subjugate us. Contradictions made to confuse and divide, so that [they] might conquer.

But, I have argued before at Burning Bright that I believe patriots in the east and west have actioned a Reverse Hegelian Dialectic on the powers that would be. In reversing the ‘Problem-Reaction-Solution’ theorem, I believe Trump and his Devolved Administration have stepped aside both domestically and on a global scale to allow certain ‘hot’ operations to take place that have been necessary to shake the more entrenched kinetic and financial factions of the Globalist Cabal, while also allowing the ‘Problem’ itself to take the public levers of power, thus allowing them to expose themselves for all the world to see, while minimizing the potential damage therein by depriving them of the most potent and powerful abilities that high and mighty office commands.

In short, whether the Biden Admin is controlled overtly or covertly, I do believe it is being controlled, guided or steered into making a public spectacle of everything [they] had planned for us, and—using accelerationism and a blitzkrieg of narrative seeding—an utter mockery of the very same.

While I do believe Devolution is in place, meaning National Security red lines are not to be crossed in the event of a subversion or hostile takeover of the US Executive Branch, the research of many Anons in this community has emphatically proven that the Trump Admin was all too aware of election fraud operations leading up to the infamous 2020 election cycle that started this clown show off in the first place, and if the Trump Admin was aware, then the US Military and its most potent, powerful intel apparatus, officers and commanders were aware.

To suggest they did nothing to ensure the security and sovereignty of the United States and its citizens in light of these revelations requires more leaps in logic than the alternative, and I believe Devolution or a similar COG plan is the most likely mechanism that could allow Trump and company to voluntarily ‘relinquish’ the office. And, if they did so, surely they did so for the greater good.

And therein lies the rub.

What is the greater good, and who gets to decide it? How could we possibly argue that the Biden Admin itself was somehow preferable to the outright exposure, disclosure and halt of a historic election steal?

It all depends on how far you zoom out.

Think back to 2020. A time that seems like it heralds another life. Another nation. And it does.

But for all the MAGA blinders we sometimes don when examining that memetic time in our recent past, I would posit that—at least in the patriots’ collective estimation—the mood of this nation, its heart and its soul were fractured and split between awakened, awakening and those still clinging deeply to the liar’s sleep.

With the nation in such a state, any wrong move could have pulled it apart at the already-fraying seams that had been loosened by design through decades of social engineering, Marxist ideology and cultural rot. And this following on a four-year boom cycle of desperately-deployed Narratives, Media blitzes and color revolution tactics that, while ultimately unsuccessful in ousting our chosen leader from his seat, did manage to provoke the mood of division and nurture a spirit of restless anger turned inward.

If you have learned nothing else while reading BB, I would hope you have taken my premise seriously that emotion is truly the base, foundational through-line with which to reach another human being … with cognition and logic only engaged during the reflection phase, after the initial emotional breakthrough has been made.

(For a detailed breakdown on this Trauma-Catharsis phenomenon, please read Righteous Russia — Part 5.)

While the powers that would be have attempted to pull these emotional strings for decades, I believe many have been cut in the last six years, since Trump first came down that golden escalator … and I believe more are being cut each day by hands we cannot see but for the effects on the waking mind they leave behind.

So, then … what’s the point of pegging Biden and his Admin and the media and political apparatus behind him as rudderless?

Well, as with most of my own narrative deployments, it is two-fold. Bicameral, if you will:

The Biden Administration and all the Globalist vision it represents is both a consequence and a promise.

It is a consequence for both his voters and for sovereigns such as ourselves and our sires who rested on our laurels for too long while the pillars of our nation and our very humanity were eaten away … and it is a promise of how bad things could get if people like him the world over get their way, and implement their vision of oneness and collectivism.

Their vision of nothing.

Just as it is a promise of what we could have, what we will have in its stead.

Like a tough, stern but ultimately loving parent, patriots pushed us out to sea in a storm, and told us to learn to paddle. To fight. To not give up. To encourage others to row when we grew tired, and not to give in to the dark of the abyss, but rather to focus on the light of the stars reflected in that bottomless pool—the heavens themselves.

All the while, they, the patriots have been with us. Just out of touch and just out of sight.

But always within reach.

Patriots will end up taking back this nation from the clutches of the enemy. Legally, peacefully and constitutionally, and they will do it through us.

Sovereignty must be earned, not given. It must be implied and codified. It must be synonymous and self-described in what it means to be American. And human.

It must first be recognized before it can be taken. Missed once it has been lost. Retaken once it has been lamented and defended until our dying days once it has been regained.

That is exactly what we mean to do, and that is exactly what this rudderless ‘Administration’ has resolved in each awakening mind to rectify.

A consequence and a promise, we have been given.

A consequence and a promise, we will be.

We are the consequence. We are the promise.

Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.

1,759 posted on 10/10/2022 3:36:53 PM PDT by Oorang (Politicians:-a feeble band of lowly reptiles who shun the light and who lurk in their own dens. )
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To: little jeremiah
Good, but long, read on the upcoming Danchenko trial"

Previewing the trial of Igor Danchenko
Just Human - 18 hr ago

1,760 posted on 10/10/2022 3:45:26 PM PDT by Oorang (Politicians:-a feeble band of lowly reptiles who shun the light and who lurk in their own dens. )
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To: little jeremiah

:: Why should anyone believe him? ::

Didn’t say I did.
I \also\ said that he is a self-revealed agent of the Israeli state.
He’s been spot-on with many things concerning military preparedness and capabilities.
I watch him and ping him on military stuff to get his input.

Also, I said this isn’t ‘new ‘news to us.
The list is of [controlled] agents, not actually ]operating[ agents.
These folks get their info from “agencies”...just like Anderson Cooper gets his info from the Clowns.
Being manipulated by MOSSAD doesn’t make them BH or WH, just controlled.
They are \not\ in full control of their actions in the information sphere.
All information can be used.

Just stashing a few more receipts...

1,767 posted on 10/10/2022 4:32:35 PM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Islam is NOT a religion of any sort. It is a violent and tyrannical system of ruling others.)
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