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To: WildHighlander57

Excellent stuff here your final thread is a must read it has the answers we need:
Its long but I’ll post it anyway:

In my column last week, I reported on the mass protests going on in Europe over their governments’ dismal, yea, catastrophic leadership regarding the sanctions against Russia that are strangling their economies and making life a living hell. The column last week specifically reported on the mass protests going on in the Czech Republic.

But the mass protests going on in the Czech Republic are also taking place all over Western Europe—and the mainstream media is totally ignoring them.


Citizens across the globe are rapidly rising up against their government’s failed leadership and globalist policies wreaking havoc on the economy; all the while vast amounts of the establishment media remain silent.

Tens of thousands of people openly reject the globalist ethos, which has resulted in soaring living costs and skyrocketing energy prices.

The protests are both direct in message and scope – the globalist idiocy must end.

In Indonesia, for example, thousands turned out en masse in some of the country’s biggest cities earlier this week, demanding their “government reverse its first subsidized fuel price increase in eight years amid soaring inflation.”

“Protests took place in and around the capital, Jakarta, and in the cities of Surabaya, Makassar, Kendari, Aceh, and Yogyakarta, among a series of demonstrations led by students and labour groups that police say could draw big crowds this week.”

“Thousands of police were deployed across Jakarta, many guarding petrol stations, fearing they could become targets of mounting anger over a price increase that unions say will hurt workers and the urban poor the most.”

Meanwhile in Italy, Italians gathered in the streets of Naples to protest against the nation’s rising energy costs.

Angry citizens were filmed burning their energy bills while chanting phrases such as “We don’t pay the bills!” and “Now it will be chaos!”

“We don’t want [soaring bills] anymore!” protestors also shouted.

Italians now face a brutal winter after European sanctions pelted Moscow with sanctions, one of their biggest gas importers, as the country races towards “green energy.”

Chile also so [sic] mass protests as citizens rejected a newly proposed, left-wing constitution providing the government with more control over the country’s citizenry.

Other countries like New Zealand and Germany [and The Netherlands and Great Britain and others] have also experienced protests against their governments as the uprising continues.

Sadly, in the United States the vast majority of resistance to the burgeoning Great Reset of the globalist elite has decided to vest all of its energy into reelecting Donald Trump. This is a huge mistake!

In the first place, Trump just might be the ONLY Republican candidate that Joe Biden could actually beat in 2024. In the second place, Donald Trump is a Trojan Horse. He doesn’t understand the Deep State and doesn’t want to understand it. If he should be re-elected, he would saturate his administration with Deep State CFR globalists, just as he did in his first administration. Trump is an empty suit.

Trump continues to be a rabid supporter of the kill shots, aka Covid vaccinations; he continues to be a rabid supporter of Red Flag gun confiscation laws; he continues to ignore the counsel of true freedomists regarding who the enemy is; and he is every bit the Zionist War Hawk that are Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

Donald Trump has successfully sucked all of the energy and understanding out of the so-called Patriot Movement and turned it into a partisan one-man band. Trump has absolutely zero understanding of constitutional republicanism; he understands nothing about God’s Natural Laws of Liberty; and he has no desire to learn anything. Plus, he continues to be a blasphemous, arrogant, self-absorbed misogynist, narcissist money-grubber.

America desperately needs a president who has at least a modicum of understanding regarding the principles of constitutionalism and Natural rights—and most importantly a man with a humble, teachable spirit that God could honor. Trump will never be that man!

The American people should be taking to the streets in mass protests numbering in the hundreds of thousands or millions, just as is happening around the world. But Americans are too enamored with partisan politics; they are too dependent on the political establishment. They have forgotten that the fate of America is in their hands (and God’s), NOT the hands of soulless, self-absorbed politicians.

By remaining passive, the American people are allowing the pernicious powerbrokers in Washington, D.C., and New York City to keep their momentum of building a globalist feudal system growing.

Do Americans—especially conservatives and Christians—not understand that the West’s expansion of the war in Ukraine is shaking our national stability? Are they so ignorant as to not understand that America’s involvement in this conflict is the primary source of our current economic malaise—a malaise that began with the government’s Covid tyranny?

Beyond that, do they not comprehend the imminent threat to our national safety that America’s unconscionable escalation of the Ukrainian conflict poses?

Please share this report with your conservative/Christian friends who are still gung ho about the Ukraine war:

Western “half-wits” from “stupid think tanks” are leading their countries down the road of nuclear armageddon with their hybrid war against Moscow, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel on Tuesday. Endlessly funneling weapons and support to Ukraine while pretending not to be directly involved in the conflict will not work, added the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council.

The “security guarantees” proposal unveiled by Kiev on Tuesday was “really a prologue to the Third World War,” said Medvedev, calling it a “hysterical appeal” to Western countries engaged in a proxy war against Russia.

If the West continues its “unrestrained pumping of the Kiev regime with the most dangerous types of weapons,” Russia’s military campaign will move to the next level, where “visible boundaries and potential predictability of actions by the parties to the conflict” will be erased and the conflict will take on a life of its own, as wars always do, Medvedev argued.

“And then the Western nations will not be able to sit in their clean homes, laughing at how they carefully weaken Russia by proxy. Everything will be on fire around them. Their people will harvest their grief in full. The land will be on fire and the concrete will melt,” Medvedev wrote, before citing a Bible verse from Revelations 9:18.

[Revelation 9:18 says, “By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.” KJV]

“Yet still the narrow-minded politicians and their stupid think tanks, thoughtfully twirling a glass of wine in their hands, talk about how they can deal with us without entering into a direct war. Dull idiots with a classical education,” Medvedev wrote.

His comments were prompted by Kiev’s publication of a “security treaty” proposal, developed under the tutelage of former NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The draft envisions the US and its allies guaranteeing Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders with weapons, ammunition, financial assistance and training, as well as committing to maintain sanctions against Russia for as long as Kiev wants, and handing over any confiscated Russian property to Ukraine.

Such warnings are repeatedly ignored by Western leaders. America believes it is the indispensable, invincible nation: impervious to any accountability or ramification for its wicked, murderous conduct. Tragically, even Christians in America carry this foolish and devilish notion in their hearts.

That is a huge mistake!

Everyone knows that you do not follow a wounded lion or bear into its cave—unless you have a death wish. America is acting like it has a death wish. It is trying to push the Red Bear further and further into its den—at any cost. But that cost could be much higher than this country is prepared to pay.

And the fact remains: The U.S. started this war back in 2014. NATO and Ukraine are not fighting a defensive war—Russia is. It is the nation suffering from the wounds inflicted upon it by the United States and NATO. It is the wounded bear.

Most of the people in Western Europe seem to understand this, as they are out in force calling for the abolishment of their warmongering governments and demanding a return to peace and prosperity. What they may not realize is that the governmental leaders in Western Europe are merely following the instructions—and demands—of their dictatorial benefactor, Washington, D.C.

But for the time being, the good news is that a global uprising has begun—at least in Western Europe and other foreign countries.

But where the uprising is needed most is right here in the United States—an uprising that is focused on the sacred principles of Liberty, NOT on the Trojan Horse Donald Trump.

It would be so refreshing if we could just get conservatives to start rallying behind Liberty principles instead of putting all of their hope and trust in lying politicians.

At least the people in Western Europe are making their presence felt—probably because they are already starting to get a taste of what the Great Reset means for the common man. When people start running out of food, are unable to pay for electricity and gas and begin freezing at night, it tends to get one’s attention.

The Great Reset hasn’t totally gotten America’s attention yet. But it will! The only question is: By the time it does, will it be too late?

1,520 posted on 09/17/2022 12:09:24 AM PDT by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT)
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To: All

This one is truly good since its from the Epoch Times

Irrefutable Proof’ That mRNA Vaccines Cause Vascular and Organ Damage: Study
By Enrico Trigoso September 9, 2022 Updated: September 10, 2022biggersmaller Print

A recent study claims to have found “irrefutable proof of causality” that the mRNA vaccines cause vascular and organ damage.

The study, conducted by microbiologists Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, was mostly based on the findings of German pathologists Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Dr. Walter Lang.

Here is a summary of the findings:

mRNA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site; they instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs.
mRNA-based COVID vaccines induce long-lasting expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in many organs.
Vaccine-induced expression of the spike protein induces autoimmune-like inflammation.
Vaccine-induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage, especially in vessels, sometimes with deadly outcomes.
“This study, by the type of dyes they use, shows irrefutable proof that the spike protein goes everywhere—heart, ovary, liver, spleen—and to a lesser extent, testes.” Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an expert in vaccine damage, told The Epoch Times.

“This is what leads to multi-organ system failure. This is what leads to infertility in women.”

“There has been a lot of hypothesis about the damage these shots cause. Now, with these pathology slides and the specific types of immunochemistry staining, Bhakti and Palmer show—unequivocally—that the spike protein is quickly disseminated to every organ they examined,” Tenpenny said.

“They are both pathologists; looking at slides of tissue under a microscope and appropriately staining tissue is what they are trained to do!” she added.

“Those of us who warned of the dangers of these COVID shots were widely censored and ridiculed,” Dr. Christiane Northrup, former fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told The Epoch Times.

“I wish we had been wrong. We weren’t. And we finally have irrefutable proof,” Northrup added.

According to toxicologist Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., who has been following the COVID vaccine story since its inception, the most valuable takeaway from this study is that it “corroborates” Markus Aldén et al.’s findings (in-vitro) that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine may be transcribed into cellular DNA—in an in-vivo system.

In-vitro, which means “in glass” in Latin, refers to when a test or process is done in a test tube or outside a living organism. In-vivo (within the living) means the studies are done in living organisms.

That the vaccine quickly distributes through the body was a finding present in Pfizer’s own animal experiments.

“The subject was deceased but the examination of their tissue showed that they were expressing the spike protein, nine months after the injection of the genetic vaccine,” Lindsay told The Epoch Times.

The only three possible ways that the abovementioned could happen, she explains, are when:

mod-mRNA is stable in the body for nine months.
The mRNA has been integrated into the genome, such as in the Aldén study.
The person was around somebody who was recently vaccinated and the mRNA was transmitted.
The Palmer and Bhakdi study says that the “limited experimental studies available (2015, 2018)” indicate that the injected modified mRNA should degrade “within days to a few weeks of the injection.”

But, “this is obviously difficult to square with the observed long-lasting expression; in some form or other, the genetic information appears to be perpetuated in-vivo,” the study states.

“Their findings of spike expression nine months out from [taking the vaccine] support either genomic integration of the mRNA coding the spike protein into the genome of the cells shown expressing it, or, that the synthetically modified messenger RNA is remaining stable within these cells months after it was supposed to be degraded,” Lindsay said.

“This constitutive expression of the spike protein would exhaust the immune system and/or eventually possibly make it non-responsive or tolerant to the spike protein, allowing for untold spike-mediated damage,” she added.

The methods used by Dr. Burkhardt are called histopathology and immunohistochemistry.

The technique is explained in the study: “If a vaccine particle—composed of the spike-encoding mRNA, coated with lipids—enters a body cell, this will cause the spike protein to be synthesized within the cell and then taken to the cell surface. There, it can be recognized by a spike-specific antibody.”

“After washing the tissue specimen to remove unbound antibody molecules, the bound ones can be detected with a secondary antibody that is coupled with some enzyme, often horseradish peroxidase,” it reads. “After another washing step, the specimen is incubated with a water-soluble precursor dye that is converted by the enzyme to an insoluble brown pigment. Each enzyme molecule can rapidly convert a large number of dye molecules, which greatly amplifies the signal.”

“Histo” comes from the Greek word for “web, tissue.”

Epoch Times Photo
Image 3: Expression of viral proteins can be detected with immunohistochemistry. (Michael Palmer, MD, Sucharit Bhakdi, MD)
“At the top right of the image, you can see two cells which were exposed to the Pfizer vaccine and then subjected to the protocol outlined above. The intense brown stain indicates that the cells were indeed producing the spike protein,” the study reads, referring to image 3.

Epoch Times Photo
Expression of spike protein in shoulder muscle after vaccine injection. (Michael Palmer, MD, Sucharit Bhakd

1,521 posted on 09/17/2022 12:56:52 AM PDT by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT)
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To: rodguy911
"From the washington standard article" ... Sadly, in the United States the vast majority of resistance to the burgeoning Great Reset of the globalist elite has decided to vest all of its energy into reelecting Donald Trump. This is a huge mistake!

In the first place, Trump just might be the ONLY Republican candidate that Joe Biden could actually beat in 2024. In the second place, Donald Trump is a Trojan Horse. He doesn’t understand the Deep State and doesn’t want to understand it. If he should be re-elected, he would saturate his administration with Deep State CFR globalists, just as he did in his first administration. Trump is an empty suit.

Trump continues to be a rabid supporter of the kill shots, aka Covid vaccinations; he continues to be a rabid supporter of Red Flag gun confiscation laws; he continues to ignore the counsel of true freedomists regarding who the enemy is; and he is every bit the Zionist War Hawk that are Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

Donald Trump has successfully sucked all of the energy and understanding out of the so-called Patriot Movement and turned it into a partisan one-man band. Trump has absolutely zero understanding of constitutional republicanism; he understands nothing about God’s Natural Laws of Liberty; and he has no desire to learn anything. Plus, he continues to be a blasphemous, arrogant, self-absorbed misogynist, narcissist money-grubber.

America desperately needs a president who has at least a modicum of understanding regarding the principles of constitutionalism and Natural rights—and most importantly a man with a humble, teachable spirit that God could honor. Trump will never be that man!...


You agree with that Anti-President Trump drivel, what planet have you been living on? Why are you even on this thread? To what purpose is your attempt to incite division here?

1,540 posted on 09/17/2022 4:50:43 AM PDT by Kalam (The Qonjurer)
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To: rodguy911

I stopped reading it when it got to the Trump bs. He was asked to run.

1,544 posted on 09/17/2022 5:13:49 AM PDT by smileyface ("The illuminati's whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children.")
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To: rodguy911

Reads like an anti-trumper trying to steal the movement and steer it against the one guy that stands strongest against the deep state.

If the author believes that Trump is a Trojan horse, then he needs to show the evidence and present alternatives.

1,560 posted on 09/17/2022 7:26:22 AM PDT by meyer (FBI = KGB for the DNC; IRS = Gestapo)
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To: rodguy911; genetic homophobe

The message of this ridiculous rant in 100% anti-Trump.

Everything else is just window dressing.

Let’s use some critical reasoning: Can anyone in their right mind accuse Trump of being a neocon like this author did? Of not understanding the Deep State?

This article is insulting to everyone in the MAGA movement, and it should be recognized as GLOBALIST-UNIPARTY PROPAGANDA.

I must say, they’re trying so hard to ease Trump out, and DeSantis in, that it makes me start to question what DeSantis actually represents. (Remember Barr, who turned out to be a sleeper agent for the cabal?)

1,580 posted on 09/17/2022 8:43:38 AM PDT by Disestablishmentarian (The next war has already started. )
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To: rodguy911
I have tried rereading this article to make sense of the beef against Donald Trump. Donald Trump and his supporters are dealing with the reality of the communist democrat attacks, tactics, and lying, cheating, manipulating all things legal to take down anything positive for Trump and MAGA voters. The article is merely a wish list of what coulda, shoulda, and must be done to regain control of this Republic. There are doers and pontificators and Trump is a doer. The masses that support him are not unaware of all of the various unconstitutional things going on with this Biden illegall govt. We do know that Donald Trump has put his money and life on the line for this Republic and all American citizens. We have been talked to numbness about Trump and his personality which falls short of perfection in the eyes of his opponents. Because Trump does not hide his personality he is accepted by the American public as relatable. We also all know that what Trump is criticized for is negligable compared to the hidden traits of his enemies. In short, I would vote Trump any day over bloviated, self important nay sayers who talk, talk, and talk some more, about what they want and not face the reality of what is.
1,607 posted on 09/17/2022 10:29:27 AM PDT by mountainfolk
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To: rodguy911; Kalam

I don’t agree with this part from that article:

Sadly, in the United States the vast majority of resistance to the burgeoning Great Reset of the globalist elite has decided to vest all of its energy into reelecting Donald Trump. This is a huge mistake!

In the first place, Trump just might be the ONLY Republican candidate that Joe Biden could actually beat in 2024. In the second place, Donald Trump is a Trojan Horse. He doesn’t understand the Deep State and doesn’t want to understand it. If he should be re-elected, he would saturate his administration with Deep State CFR globalists, just as he did in his first administration. Trump is an empty suit.

Trump continues to be a rabid supporter of the kill shots, aka Covid vaccinations; he continues to be a rabid supporter of Red Flag gun confiscation laws; he continues to ignore the counsel of true freedomists regarding who the enemy is; and he is every bit the Zionist War Hawk that are Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

Donald Trump has successfully sucked all of the energy and understanding out of the so-called Patriot Movement and turned it into a partisan one-man band. Trump has absolutely zero understanding of constitutional republicanism; he understands nothing about God’s Natural Laws of Liberty; and he has no desire to learn anything. Plus, he continues to be a blasphemous, arrogant, self-absorbed misogynist, narcissist money-grubber.

America desperately needs a president who has at least a modicum of understanding regarding the principles of constitutionalism and Natural rights—and most importantly a man with a humble, teachable spirit that God could honor. Trump will never be that man!

We need PDJT!

1,630 posted on 09/17/2022 1:21:55 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.) )
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To: rodguy911
In the first place, Trump just might be the ONLY Republican candidate that Joe Biden could actually beat in 2024. In the second place, Donald Trump is a Trojan Horse. He doesn’t understand the Deep State and doesn’t want to understand it. If he should be re-elected, he would saturate his administration with Deep State CFR globalists, just as he did in his first administration. Trump is an empty suit.

ITrump continues to be a rabid supporter of the kill shots, aka Covid vaccinations; he continues to be a rabid supporter of Red Flag gun confiscation laws; he continues to ignore the counsel of true freedomists regarding who the enemy is; and he is every bit the Zionist War Hawk that are Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

IDonald Trump has successfully sucked all of the energy and understanding out of the so-called Patriot Movement and turned it into a partisan one-man band. Trump has absolutely zero understanding of constitutional republicanism; he understands nothing about God’s Natural Laws of Liberty; and he has no desire to learn anything. Plus, he continues to be a blasphemous, arrogant, self-absorbed misogynist, narcissist money-grubber.

Sod Off, Swampy.

1,715 posted on 09/17/2022 7:48:50 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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To: rodguy911

Its long but I’ll post it anyway:

Shouldn’t have bothered. What drivel, from The Daily Wretched.


1,726 posted on 09/17/2022 8:25:15 PM PDT by Jane Long (What we were told was a “conspiracy theory” in 2020 is now fact. 🙏🏻 Ps 33:12)
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