As you know I've been here pretty much since the beginning. If religion doesn't belong here why are there so many admonishments to pray? So many posts of prophetic utterance?
They want you divided by religion. So whatever you do don't talk about it or someone might get their ox gored? Talking about it is not divisive. religion itself is divisive. Jesus said He would set father against children
Luke 12: 51-53 Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. 52For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three. 53Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”
There is only one way. It is narrow and hard to find. Its gate is straight. I never post first, but I feel obligated to address error when I see it.
I also think it is relevant to Q. Russia appears to be making the Gog - Magog alliance even now with Iran and Turkey..... this is Bible prophecy.
Never forget
You’ve got fearless defenders all over the place.
Only when it stops being a discussion and trails into radically argumentative, a verbal brawl, or personal name calling, Most old timers will recognize that and respectfully, Check Out, on their own volition.
Yesterday’s convo looked harmless, when traced through.
Looking it over, I discovered where you guys got elbowed by the School Marm Syndrome and a kerfuffle ensued, to end it.
For the best, to probably let the room go back to Moves and Counter Moves, links & opinion.
But, sensitive peeps can fuel things with their oral interruptus.
They can stay out of it, or privately notify the Boss/Mods, is my understanding, and it should spare the thread creater from serving as thread Realtor.
*Is that correct?
But, yes, the faithful of any religious practice, have to have thick skin, or leave, and know when not to butt in on a public forum that “ain’t” in any fashion, exclusively theirs.
See: Jim Robinson, LLC.