This line tells me the writer doesn't understand the subject or is being disingenuous. Trump's "tiresome tirades" are the very reason there is still focus on election fraud, and because of that focus something might possibly be done about it.
Excellent point.
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Yes, yes. I love Trump BECAUSE of his "tiresome tirades" and his "mean tweats". You can't move the mountain without calling people out! If you can't stand tirades and mean tweets, what have you got to hide? Mmmm, George W. Bush?
And as evidenced by this story, the RINOs are bending over backwards to try and punch holes in Trump's armor. But there's no denying the Ultra MAGA King... Trump proved himself to be a fantastic President and the Republicans/Independent/UnWoke voters are calling for him to return from the wilderness where he was exiled to.
These people are so boring. They have outlived their sell by date. Rehashed and presented with an agenda.
Agreed. The writer is essentailly,saying to Trump “you lost. Whether you got cheated or not you should just drop it because you are making too many waves”
It’s a defeatist attitude by the writer basically saying “Just give up, nothing we can do about it. Learn to live with it and move on” attitudes ike that are why we lose so much
Yes, just another deep stater hiding in the closet. If someone believes that the election was crooked, don’t let it go.
Doing that is no different from saying that murder trials are a waste of time ‘cause convicting the killer won’t bring back the dead.