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Q ~ Trust Trump's Plan ~ 03/18/22 Vol.398, Q Day 1603 <blockquote> ^ | 3/18/2022 | FReeQs, FReepers, LurQers and vanity

Posted on 03/18/2022 12:29:59 PM PDT by ransomnote

Transcript of Riccardo Bosi's warning ["No consent. No consent. No consent"]

Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.

Q describes this awakening as follows: 

"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding 'mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. 

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. 

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. 

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. 

The choice is yours, and yours alone. 

Trust and put faith in yourself. 

You are not alone and you are not in the minority. 

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day. 

WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3038)

The video, Qanon is 100% coming from the Trump Administration, is just one of many excellent responses to the all-important question, "Whom does Q serve?"

Q Boot Camp is a quick, condensed way to learn the background and basics about the Q movement. 

Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see. 

In the battle between those who strip us our constitutional rights, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger by diligently seeking the truth, independence and freedom of thought.

Where We Go 1, We Go All

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Miscellaneous; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: aalovefrkeywrdshills; greasygrannies; hielputler; hielputlerfanclub; noqcontent; putinpufferparade; q; qanon; qommies; qommunism; qommunists; qremlin; qtardiousmaximus; traitors; who; zottheqtards
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To: numberonepal

And don’t forget it was our own genius hisself, Blinken, that said early on, that there were 30,000 Americans in Uke that had to get out. I guess they were there to run the phone system?

281 posted on 03/19/2022 1:04:14 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: Bob Ireland

I know. It actually is more of a prayer, short of some “illumination of conscience”, which a Scare event in every man might bring....?

It’s possible that I’m too reliant on Space Force and its newer capabilities to produce some laser-like filming and recording of every word or deed, right down to the very heartbeat of every Black Hat, and then exposing ALL of it, and the Black Horse it rode in, on.

Wihout some comprehensive, unassailable Force, short of God, common man remains presently unable to prove anything or convince anyone, of anything for Good, or God.

Until then, the field setting is one of information warfare. So, I’m expecting something definitive from Space Force, or else 🙄 what’s the point?

282 posted on 03/19/2022 1:05:27 PM PDT by RitaOK (Viva Christo Rey! Publik Skules/Academia -> The Farm team for more Marxists runnimcoming. Infinitum.)
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283 posted on 03/19/2022 1:11:40 PM PDT by MomwithHope (Forever grateful to all our patriots, past, present and future.)
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To: RitaOK
***I’m expecting something definitive from Space Force, or else 🙄 what’s the point?***

Your mind is way out there! 😎 😘

284 posted on 03/19/2022 1:17:11 PM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrap Party is the enemy of freedom.They use all the seductions and deceits of the Bolshevics)
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To: numberonepal

It’s easy to understand Pootin’s complaint with respect to NATO. And NATO is half-axed enough so it’s on its way to being as useless as the UN. I can see the old Iron Curtain countries, from the Baltics to maybe Moldova , forming their own group to screen Russia. They’ve seen the benefits of western civilization, are industrializing, leaving gulagthink behind, and in spite of the dumbaxxes in the leadership class, Bidum, et. al., are carving out a better life for themselves.

It’s a tiny indicator but notice how all the Uke Moms seem to have strollers? They are not going back. You heard it here first.

285 posted on 03/19/2022 1:19:16 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: Bob Ireland

? But how does that relate to...

“***Putin is doing the right thing, but I believe they will eventually get to him and remove him from power***

Pithy! Q seemed to imply much the same. “

286 posted on 03/19/2022 1:26:11 PM PDT by smileyface ("The illuminati's whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children.")
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To: CtBigPat

Try not to bother Cow Guy-——he does good work-—just likes to draw a crowd. The tailor made him buy the whole bolt of cowhide cloth to make his jackets out of. The guy who actually made the cowcloth is probably the one who belongs in that lineup.

287 posted on 03/19/2022 1:41:24 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: Bob Ireland
Clement died in Nov of 2016, right after Trump's election. He predicted that there would end up with two presidencies. His videos are available on youtube.

Searchable DB here.

288 posted on 03/19/2022 1:47:13 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: OldWarBaby

289 posted on 03/19/2022 1:48:56 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: numberonepal

The only thing Kanada exhausted is its credibility. If they actually sent “all they had” then there shouldn’t be anything left to harass the truckers with? And when they stand up and whine about whatever they did it’s a BS flag event.

290 posted on 03/19/2022 1:51:44 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: Cletus.D.Yokel
I remember when we were selling candy bars for my cheer squad about the age of 10….my friends and I knocked on the door of a huge mansion in the neighborhood. Everyone knew a “bachelor” lived there. Well the person who answered the door was a kid from my school who was a grade ahead of me. I remember saying to him, “I didn’t know you lived here!”’to which he replied “I don’t.” We waited at the door while he went to get the owner, who was a balding middle-aged guy with a paunch. I remember seeing other boys in the house, but from the front door couldn’t get a good view of who was there. The guy bought a bunch of candy bars from us and we left.

You have to consider we were all a bunch of suburban upper middle class girls who had no concept of what was going on in that house, but as we walked away, we were questioning it, agreeing that something seemed weird. But I remember us all thinking it had to do with drugs…and it certainly did, as the next year that kid got suspended from school for possession of quaaludes. But we had no concept at the time of what was going on there. Soon after that, I made friends with a new girl from Boston who rode horses at the same stable as me and we ended up in the same class. She was very well-versed on these sorts of things, having come from a big Yankee city. She’s the one who told me what was really going on at that dudes house…he had a swimming pool and had an open door for teenage boys for pool parties all the time.

BTW, by high school, that kid who had answered the door was a known homo who strictly dated older men.

291 posted on 03/19/2022 1:55:05 PM PDT by ponygirl (An Appeal to Heaven )
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To: CheshireTheCat

That part about “coercion for human augmentation” will result in depletion of bureaucrat inventory. Could be why The Fooch is talking retirement? Wants to enjoy some of it?

292 posted on 03/19/2022 2:03:09 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: ponygirl
Epstein: The Formative Years.

293 posted on 03/19/2022 2:29:25 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Snowybear

I’ve more or less followed Trump for over 4 decades. He first came to my attention when the guys on the old Louis Rukheiser bizness show used to marvel at how he worked the NYC bankers. I’d have to hear it from The Donald himself to believe he was “recruited.” Some of us don’t need to be recruited. We see what needs to be done, do our homework, and start shoveling, pounding, slugging desks, and whatever else it takes. “Command Presense” is a real thing. I’ll always remember what The Don said to his son after the 2016 election: “now we find out who our friends are.” Semper Fi

294 posted on 03/19/2022 2:29:47 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: thinden

A few more bits n pieces, from here and there on Telegram. I really need to register so I can copy image and see videos. Images of documents at links.

Russian MoD Names Curator of Pentagon-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine, Releases Original Docs

We need to dig into
>Joanna Wintrol
They are likely the ones who built these biolabs.
>Lance Lippencott also signed one of these docs.

Russia presents new evidence from US-funded Ukraine biolabs: Joanna Wintrol

Pentagon-backed facilities made “biological weapons components” and tried to cover it up, Russian military says

As one of the key people involved, Kirillov named the head of the DTRA office at the US Embassy in Kiev, Joanna Wintrol.

Wintrol left Kiev in August 2020. In her parting interview, she insisted no US scientists worked in Ukrainian biolabs and accused Russia of spreading “false information” about the program.—mod-1093960475.html


Link to a snip from Kash on the Lou Dobbs’ show:

Kash Patel discusses the military industrial complex.

“The only people that win in war, is the defense industrial complex…

Who is paying for that, Lou? It’s not private industry. It’s the United States government and the taxpayer dollars that we pour in… and you bet, they have their hands in the pockets of so many members of Congress…

So that’s why I’m not shocked to hear certain people on the hill talk about how effectively going to war is the only solution or the right solution.”


Tucker Skewers the Biden Crime Family

On Hunter Biden’s laptop there is “extensive evidence of the Biden family’s long-term overseas influence-peddling operation,” Tucker’s Thurs. night monologue began. “How do they live in those big houses? Because they’re getting paid off by foreign governments in exchange for favors.”

Joe Biden joined a chorus of censorship media and BigTech “fact-checkers” in disparaging the laptop story as “Russian disinformation,” citing “50 former intelligence officials, all of them liars,” as proof.

“Foreign interference in our elections,” Tucker mocked. “Of course the irony is the laptop showed that foreign companies and governments had been paying the Biden family in exchange for changing US policy toward those countries. Selling out our nation for cash. The Ukrainians most famously.”

“Biden is now president so the NYT can admit what we all knew all along: the laptop is totally real - it’s not Russian disinformation.”

Read🗞NY Post
Now that Joe Biden’s president, the Times finally admits: Hunter’s laptop is real

OUR GAL!!!! Short video at link, non-Teleg users can see:

Marjorie introduced a bill today that would stop tax payer funding for bioweapons and eliminate these programs from the federal government.
“No government should be creating bioweapons. That’s evil and wrong.”
The name of the bill:
“Stopping the spread of the taxpayer bioweapon act.” 🔥

A glance at Twitter shows how triggered leftists are by this. 😂😂


295 posted on 03/19/2022 2:47:24 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Don't worry about anything. Worry has never solved any problem or moved any stone. )
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To: OldWarBaby; Snowybear
I’d have to hear it from The Donald himself to believe he was “recruited.”

Not me. I follow the logic of things that make the most sense. You need to research Q posts to understand, then apply your own common sense and brain power. You will see.

296 posted on 03/19/2022 2:49:48 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Farcesensitive

49 years

297 posted on 03/19/2022 2:50:12 PM PDT by wastedyears (The left would kill every single one of us and our families if they knew they could get away with it)
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To: caww

Pelousy had a bad day at the SOTU. When you see the other angles of the speech hand-off you know The Trumpster wasn’t about to shake her hand. Then he brings in Rush. All that snippy bizeech could think of to do was trash the papers. Miss Grease rack of 57 doncha kno? I can still see the greasy hand print on the back of the white dress!

298 posted on 03/19/2022 2:53:12 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

The picture of that waterfall looks like it would make a great album cover for a black metal band.

299 posted on 03/19/2022 2:54:43 PM PDT by wastedyears (The left would kill every single one of us and our families if they knew they could get away with it)
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To: Bob Ireland; numberonepal

***Putin is doing the right thing, but I believe they will eventually get to him and remove him from power***

Pithy! Q seemed to imply much the same.


Do you remember which drop that was? I was searching Putin mentioned in drops the other day and I don’t remember anything similar. But I will look again now, here are search results (link) for all drops with “Putin” in them.

300 posted on 03/19/2022 2:55:08 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Don't worry about anything. Worry has never solved any problem or moved any stone. )
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