While the thread has probably run it’s course, I want to correct a couple of errors in my prior posts in case some others come back to it in the future.
The book I cited (and highly recommend) is titled “Mortal Error - The Shot That Killed JFK” by Bonar Menninger and published by St Marten’s Press. I incorrectly went from memory and said the title was Fatal Error. I found my copy late last night.
Also, the book is written about a man named Howard Donahue, who spent 25 years investigating the assassination. Donahue was very knowledgeable about firearms and ballistics. Menninger is the author not the expert.
Donahue was not pursuing a political agenda. The publisher note of nearly 20 pages explains that they did not want to be caught up in yet another wild conspiratorial paranoia. But in the end, while there is still the possibility Donahue may be in error, his analysis is compelling & has withstood many challenges. The federal givernment was (and I guess still is) effectively non-responsive to provide data, testimony, etc to show errors in Donahue’s analysis. In summary, there has been nothing put forth by anyone, including going head to head with the Warren Commission report that discredits Donahue’s conclusions.
I did not search to see if Menninger is still alive. But it is Donahue who is deceased.
The SS agent whose gun is said to have fired the gun is named Hickey. They reached out to him prior to publication, but he did not respond. Publisher did not hold his silence against him as he had no duty to respond. Hickey is deceased.
In conclusion, this book is very logical and compelling. It basically renders many of the other popular 2nd gunman theories as unsupported by the evidence at the scene. (The book does not deal with whether Oswald was part of bigger conspiracy to murder JFK). I’ll end here with this excerpt from the book, p248:
“For those who wonder what [Oswald] might have had in mind when he declared that he was just a “patsy”, Donahue’s theory allows an answer that does not entail the likes of a New Orleans conspiracy: Oswald, thinking to himself to be a lone gunman, nevertheless sees [JFK] killed by a shot he knows he did not fire. But he is the only one arrested. He does not know how they did it, but he is convinced, wrongly, that somehow he has been used.”
That seems a plausible take, given Donahue’s lengthy dedication to research. Is there positive evidence the projectiles differed in caliber? By that I mean is there a available for inspection today a projectile known to have pierced JFK that could not possibly have been fired through Oswald’s rifle? That would go a long way in confirming Donahue’s scenario.
Thanks for taking time to clarify. Fine additions to the thread.
I came to that same conclusion independently. Imagine that you are Oswald looking through the scope and seeing what happened. Now there’s a “WTF!?” moment if there ever was one.
Imagine that this sort of testimony comes out under any sort of questioning or coercion? It also neatly explains why he simply had to go bye-bye right away. No trial or waterboarding allowed, and a phony balogna “investigation” handled very carefully.