Speaking of CDC scare tactics and the celebration of paranoia, I had my yearly evaluation at work today, via Zoom of course.
I found out that of my team of 8 auditors, I am the only one who has gone out, of my own accord, to do on-site audits this year, save for the new guy, who is afraid of his own shadow and afraid to rock the boat in any way.
My supervisor had to twist the arms of the rest to get them to to do audits of workplaces we were suspicious about and to meet the new guy to show him some things.
I was chomping at the bit half the year before we got the go-ahead to go back out.
I’ve done 30% more audits than the next highest person, despite the audits taking more time when they are done on site.
And this is despite the fact that I have taken more vacation time than anyone else.
So, are my teammates that lazy? Or that scared?
Yes, got used to doing nothing.
Sounds like it's a combination of both.