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Michael Flynn refutes QAnon claims that he worships Satan during guest appearance on Christian YouTube channel ^
| October 9, 2021
| Morgan Keith
Posted on 10/08/2021 9:43:57 PM PDT by Berlin_Freeper
Former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn appeared on Christian YouTube channel "Truth Unveiled TV" to refute claims he worships Satan following a prayer he led at Nebraskan church, The Daily Beast reported.
During its "Opening the Heavens" conference in mid-September, Flynn led a prayer at the Lord of Hosts Church in which he referenced "legions" and "rays," according to The Daily Beast, which convinced many QAnon believers that he was praying to Satan.
Following an ad from voter fraud conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell's MyPillow, Flynn told "Truth Unveiled TV" host Paul Oebel that people were reading into things and it was a "straightforward" rendition of a prayer to St. Michael, a Christian archangel that his mother named him after.
"People need to stop overthinking what everyone is saying and listen to what is happening around us," Flynn said. "Pay attention to the reality that is happening around us instead of interpreting things that don't need interpretation."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Conspiracy; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: flynnsatan; flynnunmasked; q; qanon; qanonsatanworship; qtards; qvirus; satanflynn; satanon
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To: Gene Eric
Put some ice on the grudge butt-hurt.
You been suffering that for how long now?
Weeks, turning into months.
posted on
10/09/2021 7:45:10 AM PDT
(President Trump: "It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine and it's something that works.")
To: Gene Eric
posted on
10/09/2021 7:53:06 AM PDT
(President Trump: "It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine and it's something that works.")
To: ifinnegan
Christians don’t pray to Angels. Saints preserve us...are you not an Irishman?
posted on
10/09/2021 12:05:08 PM PDT
(aide toi et dieu t'aidera)
To: Berlin_Freeper
Why those Qball nuts are tolerated here baffles me.
They’re kookier than Michael Rivero.
posted on
10/09/2021 12:08:22 PM PDT
(Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
To: Berlin_Freeper
Good riddance to that con artist.
posted on
10/09/2021 12:09:25 PM PDT
(Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
To: joesbucks
"it’s unlikely to be Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine" Covid is Plasmodium Yoelii parasite and Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)
Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are both used for decades to fight parasites. This isn't hard
One of the reasons models don't work. They don't test it for real life. Model is only as good as what is programmed into it. The peer review tests the model they can't test it with nature. If it's not tested with nature it is NOT SCIENCE.
Feynman on Scientific Method.
posted on
10/09/2021 12:12:22 PM PDT
Steve Van Doorn
(*in my best Eric Cartman voice* 'I love you, guys')
To: Steve Van Doorn
All parasites aren’t created equal. What is highly effective with A May not be with B and/or C.
I go back to Phil Valentine who was using Ivermectin as a preventative. He’s now no longer a spokesperson for its effectiveness.
To: Gene Eric; Berlin_Freeper; jonrick46
asked, "do you have any grudges?"
No. I keep seeing the same people that seem to have a grudge against freepers. They keep posting none sense that seem to have an obvious theme. That theme is Main stream media propaganda spewing their financed science reports.
It's as though they feel freepers are not exposed enough to their propaganda. So they post it for us.
They believe if they post that the world is flat over and over again that some how we will magically get a few to believe that the world is flat
They seem to forget that is against basic science and it's annoying to listen to financed science.
It does seem to have an effect on some. I'm attempting to explain to jonrick46 that financed science often use models which isn't science AT ALL. I find it sad few people seem to understand the basics of science. It MUST be tested in nature (NO EXCEPTIONS) other wise it's guess.
posted on
10/09/2021 12:29:28 PM PDT
Steve Van Doorn
(*in my best Eric Cartman voice* 'I love you, guys')
To: joesbucks
I said,
"Covid is Plasmodium Yoelii parasite and Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)" I generally answered anti-parasitical is the logical course of action against a parasite.
Most hospitals are using anti-bacterial medicines which will build up water in your lungs given it's a parasite they're trying to fight. It's counter productive.
"All parasites aren’t created equal." Yes. Ivermectin doesn't kill the malaria it kills the Plasmodium Yoelii parasite that carries the malaria. Given covid is Plasmodium Yoelii parasite its only logical it will have some effect on covid.
As these tests have shown that Ivermectin is the sixth best treatment for covid in the combined study I know nothing about Phil Valentine case. Though I would bet he didn't get NAC or Vitamin C drip. When people use the proper medicine they rarely die.
posted on
10/09/2021 12:47:32 PM PDT
Steve Van Doorn
(*in my best Eric Cartman voice* 'I love you, guys')
To: mac_truck
Always after me lucky charms they are.
posted on
10/09/2021 2:51:39 PM PDT
(Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)
To: Berlin_Freeper; bagster
>> Btw what happened to your Troll buddy bagster?
Yeah, that’s unfortunate. bagster had a sense of humor.
posted on
10/09/2021 3:59:22 PM PDT
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: Steve Van Doorn; Berlin_Freeper; jonrick46; bagster
>> No.
Of course I was being facetious. BF posted a “grudge ping” complaint a while back that both bagster and I found hilarious. BF took exception to our sense of humor.
Ironically, BF thinks it’s okay to brand you a “QTard” which is meant to be a personal insult. Your post #6 which spoke to your objections of the material didn’t warrant the personal insult.
Neither do I agree with the vax evangelism.
posted on
10/09/2021 4:23:55 PM PDT
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: Gene Eric
"Neither do I agree with the vax evangelism." I would rather people turn their efforts against the Biden Cabal and the Leftnicks (my term) trying to rule our lives. They think the vaccine gives them the leverage to use against us. Their behavior will sink them because totalitarian behavior is a bad habit for the Leftnicks. I would rather see good advise rather than forcing people to be vaccinated (and masked).
The vaccine hesitancy reminds me of people's reaction to the automobile when it was first created. It is human nature not to trust things they don't understand. When I read misinformation it undermines trust in things they should know.
I would rather see world-class education on what this new vaccine technology does, its strengths and weaknesses. I would like to see the same info about the enemy, COVID-19, in a way the common person could understand. This is an example of why the Biden Cabal has failed us. Instead of forcing mandates, they could have explained the advantages like Mike Lindell explains that his pillows will give you the best sleep you have ever had.
posted on
10/09/2021 5:00:22 PM PDT
(Leftnicks chase illusions of motherships at the end of the pier.)
To: jonrick46
>> The vaccine hesitancy reminds me of people’s reaction to the automobile when it was first created.
My God, how old are you? lol
>> It is human nature not to trust things they don’t understand.
That’s a mischaracterization of the objections.
Since we’re all well-aware of what’s going on, I see no reason to rehash the details of our opposing views. Nonetheless, I appreciate your remarks.
posted on
10/09/2021 5:13:39 PM PDT
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: Gene Eric
I have been around horses. In fact, I was an official photographer to many horse shows. LOL! For me, they are a totally bad ride.
posted on
10/09/2021 5:19:09 PM PDT
(Leftnicks chase illusions of motherships at the end of the pier.)
To: Berlin_Freeper
I posted a GiF to bagster of Bugs Bunny saying, “What’s up Doc?” I think he had a good sense of humor. However, without that sense of humor, he may have flown off the rails.
posted on
10/09/2021 5:24:03 PM PDT
(Leftnicks chase illusions of motherships at the end of the pier.)
To: Gene Eric
Yeah, that’s unfortunate. bagster had a sense of humor.
bagster was a Qtard Troll and you were his sidekick.
His memes and hashtags were stupid and boring.
posted on
10/09/2021 5:24:51 PM PDT
(President Trump: "It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine and it's something that works.")
To: jonrick46
posted on
10/09/2021 5:28:10 PM PDT
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: Berlin_Freeper; bagster
We became FRiends over that meme... lol
posted on
10/09/2021 5:29:42 PM PDT
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: Gene Eric
Of course I was being facetious. BF posted a “grudge ping” complaint a while back that both bagster and I found hilarious. BF took exception to our sense of humor.
I noted your harassment long ago and you two had EPIC butt-hurt to this day. That is the only humor here - LoL!
Ironically, BF thinks it’s okay to brand you a “QTard” which is meant to be a personal insult. Your post #6 which spoke to your objections of the material didn’t warrant the personal insult.
Here is post #6 which was nothing put a personal attack:
was there ever a time Berlin_Freeper you didn't find BS reports on MSM and post them on FR?
This story is none sense and you know it
You must have a serious problem to so desperately post nonsense.
Put some ice on that EPIC Grudge butt-hurt.
Neither do I agree with the vax evangelism.
Unlike President Trump, I don't tell people to get vaccinated.
posted on
10/09/2021 5:41:01 PM PDT
(President Trump: "It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine and it's something that works.")
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