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To: norsky; ransomnote; 2111USMC; Jvette; GrandJediMasterYoda; DEPcom; Hiddigeigei; Pappy Smear; ...

Updated, newest reports at the end:

We have the same issue with wife’s grandmother. 86 years old an walked 5 miles a day. Got the Pfizer vaxx, began having hemorrhagic strokes. Cannot get out of bed
- Jan_Sobieski

My mother and father took the first Moderna vaccine shot about six weeks ago. Within a week my mother went from a very active person in her mid 80s to an invalid unable to make it from the bed to the bathroom. She has progressively gotten worse to the point that she now looks like a little death camp survivor. We and her doctors expect her to die soon. It wasn’t an allergic reaction.
- fireman15

Just heard of a husband and wife died from it who were pro-vax.
- bray

I personally know of one PREVIOUSLY VERY healthy person, who passed the night of his 1st shot. I have “vax”d friends who are getting over their recent BREAKTHROUGH cases of China virus.
- Jane Long

One of our daughters works as a nanny. Being young and healthy, she decided to skip the shot. Her employer is a doctor and tried to encourage her to get the shot.
So last week, my daughter came down with COVID. (Mild case) She gave it to the kid who infected her vaxxed parents who are feeling pretty sick. So now, even though my daughter has an active case, she’s going back to work tomorrow to take care of the kid.
- cyclotic

Just learned a friend’s father, healthy, in his 70s, got the Pfizer shot a few weeks ago and is in ICU dying of Covid now. That’s all the info I have. My neighbor also got Pfizer and a week later started suffering hemochromatosis. She eats no red meat, only fish and chicken so she has no idea what is going on.
- LilFarmer

My cousin’s son —healthy and in his thirties — stopped breathing right after he got the Moderna shot, but he was saved.
- Southside_Chicago_Republican

I lost three days at work, the 1st, 5th and 12th after the second Moderna shot…. Severe nausea and headache.
- fishtank

I also of people who died days after getting the vaccine. I know of no one who died from the disease that went around, a combination Flu A and a bacterial pneumonia.
A good friend got the shot 14 days ago, and he has yet to recover from the resulting sickness.
A close co-worker died 6 days after the shot.
Another is still in a coma in Montreal after his shot. He suffered a stroke.
- CodeToad

I just had a friend die 24 hours after getting the vaccine. A 52 year old male with no health issues. His death certificate says he died of cardiac arrest, which is the typical “Heart Stopped” report when no other condition can be found. There will be no VAERS report. He is not the first to die suddenly after the jab without a VAERS report.
- CodeToad

well, i know my next door neighbor who collapsed after the second dose, had to go to the ER, and was admitted to the hospital has buyer’s remorse ... AND my client who collapsed with chest pain and shortness of breath after the second dose but didn’t go to the hospital and soon thereafter had a stroke has buyer’s remorse as well ... (both are younger and healthier than me, too)
- catnipman

It’s happening already in my family. One sister-in-law had intestinal distress so bad, she was in tears. It lasted about 4 days, then her knee blew up one night. She went to the ER, got it aspirated and shot up with some corticosteroid and went home. The very next night, the next knee blew up. After some travails, she had the steroid shot into the next knee as well. She was put on a prednisone taper. Three weeks in, the knee acted up again. So they prednisone got ramped back up and she’s on methotrexate. Her liver enzymes had been high, but are now normal. If you thought that all this would have caused her to rethink her position on vaccines, you would be wrong.
- Definitelynotaliberal

A few weeks after I got the jab (J&J), I developed severe tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

At that time I also developed conjunctivitis. I have dry eyes but that usually doesn’t effect me except in the winter when the humidity drops. Did some research and found that Israel was reporting eye inflammation after vaccinations (Pfizer)
- lizma2

3 acquaintances that took the jab back in mid-June/early July are now dead.
The last one died last week Two of em were in petty poor health to begin with and died in early August. The last one was a 54 year-old male in decent health for his age. It took awhile to take him out, but it finally got him. As far as I know, none of em had previously had the disease.
- lgjhn23

I know a bunch. One of the guys I work with went from a strong supporter to a “I will never take another flu shot ever” because he got so sick.
- Clay Moore

My mother is in the hospital with something wrong with her blood. Dr. refuses to call me. Nurse is very vague. Mother’s doctor back in Jan. said there was nothing wrong with her. She hasn’t been on any meds or even baby aspirin. She was jabbed in April and now this.
- bgill

Immediate family member was forced to take it. Had several mini-strokes and seizures. In hospital for several days now.
I also have first hand information from medical staff in several hospitals they will leave their jobs before they take these drugs.
- TianaHighrider

2nd Mondera shot made me deathly ill, 5 months recovery time. Still weak. No way in hell I’m getting a booster.
- rstrahan

I personally know a D1 college athlete, 20 years old, obviously great physical shape. Stroke right after the jab. Will never play the sport again. A close relative, 49 years old, good health, no family history of heart disease about 2 weeks after the shot had a heart attack—PS life saved by a dog who alerted the children in the basement about the heart attack.
-Pappy Smear

I also am double Pfizer shot and I am seriously feeling regrets. My wife, my brother, and I got the shots at the same time. My brother, up to that time in relatively good health, died a little over a month late. Heart problems they said. Now I read a government report that myocarditis and pericarditis are two common side effects of mRNA so-called vaccines.
- hiddigeigei

My sister in-law 13-year-old niece died after getting the vaccine. She was in great health, but her mother was convinced they had to get the vaccine by the hyperbole news.
My 18-year-old niece had heart issues after taking the second dose of the vaccine.
- DEPcom

Too late for me. Got my 2nd shot monday and let me tell you, it definitely effed me up. My legs feel weak as hell and I’m out of breath going up just a flight of stairs. Oh yeah and another thing: My right eye has a “flash blindness” that won’t go away. You know when someone shines something bright in your eye like a flash bulb and it makes your eyes see white? That’s what I’m getting on the bottom of my right eye. I have no idea if this is all from the vaccine but I didn’t have these crazy issues before.

More strange stuff: I got a physical yesterday and my blood pressure was through the roof, severe hypertension and I’m not even fat. Never had high BP before. They measured me at 174/100.....180/110 is what my doctor called “emergency room level” and look how close I am. He said I’m a walking timebomb for a heart attack or stroke. He immediately put me on BP meds, I can’t believe it. That vaccine definitely messed me up.
- GrandJediMasterYoda

I’ve actually had 4 friends and acquaintances have tested positive. All of them fully vaccinated. Two had no symptoms and tested because they were exposed at their job and two who were fairly ill for several days. Another fully vaccinated friend with no history of heart problems has been in the hospital for over a week and they still haven’t been able to diagnose what is wrong.

My mother suffered a stroke the very day that she received her second shot.

I know three. All had health problems, but were hanging on. A vaccinated brother of one of the three just developed what feels like to him a never ending charley horse in the back of his thigh. He is unable to walk. I’m sure it’s all a coinkydink. The wife of the brother developed a week long “transient global amnesia” right after her shot.
The weird thing is the guy who died stroked out in the car on the way to get his second Pfizer and never regained consciousness.
- Stentor

My healthy 32 year old nephew finally achieved his dream of getting hired by his local fire department and was summarily told he had to get the jab.
So he really felt he had to do it and went and got the Moderna jab. Four days later he was in the E.R. with atrial fibrillation. Apparently from what I heard, the hospital was not allowed to make the connection between the afib and the jab as far as charting the case.
I haven’t heard anything since he saw his cardiologist but apparently this is something he will be dealing with the rest of his life. So very sad.
- copaliscrossing

Sister-in-law got the J&J jab. Two weeks later a heart attack. About three weeks after that, inflammation of the lungs. A month after that a stroke.
Told her not to get the jab, she did it anyway.
If you have other problems, she did, avoid any of these jabs.
- Parmy

I know of four acquaintances that I would like to ask if they regretted it. But I can’t. They all died within a week or two of taking the shot. Curious, as I personally do not know anyone unvaccinated who has died from COVID.


I have an 88 year old aunt that developed severe dementia after getting the vaccine and after a fall. She had fallen a few times before getting the vaccine, and had started to repeat herself some before.
- DannyTN

My aunt and uncle both got the “vaccine” at the same time. My aunt had a stroke, my uncle a hear attack. Thankfully my aunt survived, unfortunately my uncle did not. We laid him to rest a few months ago.
- walkingdead

I know of at least two people (people I personally know) who died of COVID after receiving the jab. One died of heart problems and one of blood clots. Both families believe they died from the jab, not the virus
- Weston

Fit, healthy, mid-50s uncle of an acquaintance who was Pfizer-vaccinated just died of a heart attack. No comorbidities, not overweight, worked out 3x a week. Drove an Uber. Went to Tampa airport to pickup a fare. When the ppl got into the car he slumped over -dead. Heart attack.
No known heart or health issues. IMO a clot let lose and blocked a heart valve.
This is why I drink lots of water, take aspirin, pine bark extract and Plavix to keep the blood thin.
Anecdotal of course.

My bestie since high school was in the ER for 12 hours the day after her 1st shot, with nonstop vomiting & diarrhea, and sick for weeks after. Several months ago. She recently just got the 2nd shot even though she didn’t want to because her big, close family told her she cannot attend family gatherings until she’s fully “vaxed” but now she still can’t hang with them because... she’s been sick & feeling horrible since 2nd shot 2 weeks ago.
- MonicaG

A coworker of mine received Pfizer x2, about two weeks after his second jab...developed a neurological issue on the right side of his face...Bells Palsy. As of this post, he had an MRI, it found nothing. Doctor prescribed clonazepam, an antiseizure med.
He still has this nasty facial twitch. He sits at his desk holding his face due to the tremors. Messed up.
- servantboy777

My coworker got it and a few months later his right arm has gone completely numb. No loss of strength or movement, just pins and needles.
- struggle

One of my close friends had his elderly mother get the first shot and she got a little ill from it and the doctor assured him that this was normal. When she got the second shot she was dead within the hour.
This was in July and the family has yet to schedule a memorial.
- MercyFlush

No question in my mind - killed my aunt.
A friend’s husband has that autoimmune skin problem which developed right after the shot.
Another person I know has convulsions.


Yea..freaked me out when one of my coworkers developed Bells Palsy after receiving Pfizer x2. Another coworker told us his B-N-Law stroked out and died after Moderna x2. Neighbor across the street in casual conversation told us his grandmother died and they found her sitting upright in her recliner. She’d been vaxxed several days before. A priest friend told me he had peripheral vision issues on one side of his head. I asked him, “did you received the vaccinations”? He replied yes. A vendor I work with told me he had a the vax and developed a large rash over his chest that lasted about a month. His adult daughter took the vax (not sure which) and is now having to see a neurologist.
I say all that to say this...too close to home for me. This is not hearsay or something I read on the internet. Not a friend of a friend’s uncle said. This is first hand.
- servantboy777

Yesterday i went to the dry cleaner i’ve used for almost 20 years. I get along great with the owners, both of whom had the CCP virus last year with really bad symptoms.
The wife told me despite having the CCP virus and the anti-bodies they took the vaccine- two shots of pfizer- the second shot in June.
She said it was the worst decision of her life as she’s been suffering from bronchitis the past three months. Here’s the catch- she told me she never had bronchitis until she took the second shot.
- God luvs America

For many years Before COVID, I had swelling and redness and tightness from lymphedema in my feet and the lower halves of my lower legs, but after the Pfizer Covid vaccine shots, the swelling, numbness, swelling, inflammation, and stiffness got markedly worse, spreading all the way up my legs, to my knees, thighs and hips and middle body, the entire lower portion of my body looking elephantine, a sight for the medical textbooks. That this was dismissed with, “Well, that was a pre-existing condition” is not a comfort.” I am getting lymphedema massage and bandage wrapping therapy, which is helping.
- Seeing More Clearly Now

Personal anecdote: I have a family friend in the ICU right now that has major clotting in every major organ that has ACE2 receptors. Not micro clots, but scan visible ones.
She’s a definite maybe for checking out tonight or tomorrow. Depends if the warfarin works or not - but her brain has clotting too. Definite loss of vocal control and vocabulary. UPDATE: she is out of the hospital, but her doctor has her on high dose Warfarin. The doctor told her that she had thousands of micro clots, and some large ones.

I’ve had three friends die from the vax, and one in the ICU. Two that I know passed from Covid, but they were over 85. From my viewpoint, the vax has a higher mortality rate.
- datura

The 36 yr old cousin of our daughter’s husband, a high school administrator, physically fit and active, also had diabetes, died in bed three days after getting his Chinese virus vaccination. The vaccine killed him.
- Tudorfly

Or my 67 y/o sister two year older than me who spent a week in the hospital with leg bloodclots unable to walk. Other safety bonuses include: looks to be 85 years old now and got Warp-Speeded to Alzheimers(possible micro-clots in brain). J&J clotshot.
- JCL3


My cousin, 77 years old. Got the first shot, and died in his recliner two days later. Healthy and fully engaged in life. He and his wife traveled the world every year with a choir out of Virginia.
- MayflowerMadam

Unfortunately, I’ve got an injection related experience to add now.
Just found out late yesterday, a family friend...89 years old and double injected, has covid (for first time). Been a week now and fighting in/out of the hospital and very weak.
Her son had covid last year, was fairly mild. He got double vax’d later this spring (even after being prior exposed). Shortly afterwards, he wound up have a 103+ fever for several days among other symptoms. Went to the hospital for 3 days. Apparently, he was in pretty bad shape...far worse than his bout with Covid last year.
So, 1 with severe enough adverse injection affects to (reluctantly) wind up in the hospital...and one who was double injected and wound up getting it anyway and is having a very rough go of it.

Last Saturday I had coffee with three church friends. Of four of us two have been impacted negatively by covid shots.
One guy developed Bells Palsy just hours after getting jabbed.
The other man’s wife has been struggling for FIVE weeks after getting the 1st of 2 jabs, shortness of breath, nerve irritation, aches, fever etc.

I know someone who was one of the fittest in our circle. Did annual fundraising bike races, ate like a champ, never smoked, rarely drank, no drugs, yoga, super positive energy and attitude, other than the fact he and his family were major libs and vax/mask fanatics.
With absolutely no warning whatsoever he died of a massive heart attack last week. 61 years old. I did not ask his devastated widow, but heard from a friend he had both shots and a booster (despite the fact he was not at high risk), the latter just days before.

I have numerous injury stories personally and now know of at least one death. My family member’s company is coercing employees to take the injection. One guy, super healthy body builder type in his late 30’s dropped dead after the mandate. He leaves a 5-year-old son and widow behind. Another employee is now on medical leave after suffering numerous clots throughout his body.
As the deaths and injuries pile up it is getting harder and harder to hide the lies. Thus, the quick push to get everyone injected before the murder weapon is obvious.

Just got this from my son: One of the guys that we sub out his employee got the vaccine and not six hours later was having heart issues. Never had them before. He is in his 30’s
- LilFarmer

Very similar for me, with a few more complications. Since about a month after the second shot, my right arm has very frequent pins and needles sensations, but very little loss of strength.

I’m 53 years old, and got fully vaccinated with Pfizer. No immediate issues other than soreness in the arm for a couple of days. About 2 months later, I was admitted to the hospital for five days with pneumonia, although I suspect it was triggered by clotting. At the hospital, they noticed that my liver enzyme (bilirubin) levels pretty high, and they asked if I was a heavy drinker (I’m not). It took about a month for my lungs to clear up fully.

I’d never been seriously ill before. I’m extremely opposed to getting the booster shot. My wife and I know a couple of old women who had a stroke and a heart attack a couple of days after getting the booster, and a couple of old men who had fatal heart attacks a few weeks after getting the second shot.
- Mr170IQ

I unfortunately need to relay some negative vax results to you from two of my mom’s friends. They received their booster shots two days ago - both are 86 - and neither of them are ambulatory at this point. Full on Covid symptoms, body aches, pains, sever chills, unable to get out of bed.
I’m praying that they survive.
- datura

Immunized, as it were, in Feb /March. First time Covid infection was a rough weekend in May after immunized cloth masked spouse traveled through four airports in three days and brought it home, sick sick Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, headache, horrible tearing eyes, neck pain, everything tasted like dirt. MONDAY MORNING, Forty five minutes after getting single ivermectin paste dose, tearing stopped, head cleared.
Second was a road trip, just two weeks ago, visited my brother for 8 hours of discussing the world over a bottle of Bushmills, then a marathon drive from GA to Colorado. He, one nephew, and one niece tested positive three days later after being sick. I got a milder case, but rapid worthless test was negative, saliva Covid test positive. By the time i got results , had already self quarantined, new to the state, and was much less sick. Except for persistent occipital pain.
Vaccine combo didn’t make much difference. Spouse says “you need boosters, you don’t get immunity”.. I SAID I’M VAXXED, SICK TWICE, AND DONE WITH IT.
- drSteve78

My father in law is a very healthy 87YO. He’s an italian immigrant who came to America, legally, in the 50’s, with $20 in his pocket. He worked night and day, owned businesses, bought real estate and is now worth millions, though he and my mother in law live humbly. He’s also a staunch Conservative who loves President Trump and came here to be American, not to exploit America. The dude still works every day- and even goes to his nursey on Christmas Day out of habit. Except for bypass surgery about ten years ago he’s a healthy dude and is never sick. He took the vaccines in March (Pfizer i believe) and everything was fine. He woke up this morning with massive pain in his shoulder and back. He called the ambulance who took him to the hospital and did tests. He has water in his lungs- pneumonia basically. He had not been sick, slowed down nor did he have any symptoms leading up until today. The difference? He got his booster shot yesterday.
- God luvs America

A guy I work with teenage kin recently died about 48 hours after vaccine of a “coincidence.”
-Clay Moore

My wife, brother, and I all got both Pfizer shots. My wife says she feels okay. I’ve felt a little woozy with trouble with my eyes in the months since, but I found my brother, otherwise healthy (but 92 yo) lying dead (aortic valve problem) next to his bed a month plus 3-4 days after his the second shot. My wife and I are on Quercetin, Ivermectin and vitamins now. I don’t think we’ll take any vaccine boosters.
- Hiddigeigei

198 posted on 10/05/2021 6:08:33 PM PDT by LilFarmer
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To: LilFarmer

Update, my mother went to Heaven this week.
She had issues prior to the clotshots. But after getting them she really started to spiral. Was sick and weak all the time. Two seizures put her in the hospital. Had a stroke in hospital. Even got covid in hospital, recovered, and still Never came home. Had “blood issues”, along with making all things worse.

She didn’t want the shots. Was very scared of them. But gave in to pressure. Several of us blame the shots for major cause. Because of the timing and feeling sick ever since.
And the seizures, stroke, bruising, blood problems, etc.

199 posted on 10/05/2021 7:03:50 PM PDT by TianaHighrider (God bless President Trump. Prayers for PDJT and his loyal supporters.)
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To: LilFarmer

Thank you for gathering the list of reactions. Did you see Senator Ron Johnson held a hearing on vaccines, reactions, mandates, etc. ?

One of the witnesses is Dr. Theresa Long. Did you see her sworn statement that was posted previously? I wondered at the time if she was real. It appears she is!

222 posted on 11/04/2021 8:30:50 AM PDT by azkathy (We the people are FED UP-pun intended)
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