1,033 billion barrels of oil at ~ $60/ per is about a $62 billion deal.
So, 10% cut to the “big guy” is a nice chunk of change
I read some predictions the other day that oil is on the way to $200/barrel. Eventually, it seems to me that only the 1% will be able to afford cars/travel and home/property ownership is were they want to push the economy.
I read some predictions the other day that oil is on the way to $200/barrel. Eventually, it seems to me that only the 1% will be able to afford cars/travel and home/property ownership is were they want to push the economy.
I’ve been hearing $100.
looks like quid pro joe has is out to beat barack hussein soetoro’s national average of ~$4.85 price at the pump
on a positive note, at $200/barrel oil the lines at the gas stations shouldn’t be too long for the 1%