This is good info, but I am afraid because people have to calculate their own doses there can be a lot of confusion because like, math is hard. Just say'n.
Everything I read says it’s very forgiving so I’d be more concerned about underdosing than overdosing.
You’re right. Math isn’t everyone’s long suit. I’ve been suggesting that they take their weight and divide it by 1250, which is the number of pounds the full tube feeds. Make a note of the size of the first squeeze and squeeze out the same amount each time.
So a 180 pound person would take 180/1250 of the tube - .144 of the tube, which is about 1/7th. To figure out what fraction .144 is of the full tube, you have to do a bit more math, but it’s easy math - divide 1 by whatever decimal (.144) you come up with. The answer is the number of doses in a full tube of ivermectin, in this case, 6.9 or 7. Round up, since it can’t hurt you.