I saw this link as well...What was said in the article and the and HIS VIDEO is interesting. Since you did not summarize, I will...
He is not a fan of vaccines being administered in middle of pandemic because they are creating more variants—which could have the potential to be be worse than the original strain—and he is not alone regarding his observations.
From the article: https://rairfoundation.com/alert-luc-montagnier-did-not-say-vaccine-would-kill-people-in-two-years-heres-what-he-did-say-video/
They are theorizing that:
“Vaccine coercion activists are USING THE FAKE STATEMENT statement attributed to Prof. Luc Montagnier to DISCREDIT HIS VALID SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATIONS about the vaccine being the root cause of the variants.
LIES about French Virologist Luc Montagnier have been circulating online after an article posted at RAIR Foundation USA went viral. Social media ACTIVISTS are spreading a VICIOUS RUMOR that the Nobel Laureate claimed those who take the coronavirus vaccine will be dead in two years.
The outright misrepresentation of Prof. Montagnier’s statement comes after he revealed that the coronavirus vaccine is “creating variants,” as reported at RAIR, where one can read the full transcript.
It is unclear if the rumor was started as a to cynical attempt to discredit Prof. Montagnier or if it was done to put emphasis on the danger of the vaccine. Either way, the Nobel Laureate said no such thing.
Vaccine coercion activists are using the fake statement attributed to Prof. Luc Montagnier to discredit his valid scientific observations about the vaccine being the root cause of the variants.”
more at link.
Thank you for the link. It explains this well.
Thanks for posting ACTUAL FACTS, rather than the BS headline here.
I did get the vaccine (Pfizer) and I regret it. Not because of any effects that I have suffered (or my wife or son, who also did), but because of the unknown - we simply don’t know the long term effects. I also watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn_b4NRTB6k (which is long, about 2 1/2 hours), in which it was pointed out that Ivermectin is not only effective - as both a treatment and a prophyaxis - against Covid itself, but also against its variants. So, if/when it comes time for a booster shot, I won’t be getting it. I will, OTOH, be doing my damnedest to obtain Ivermectin...which is not only effective, but immensely safe as proven over many decades and billions of doses.