It’s all in the teaching.
The teacher has to make the classics understandable and relevant to the student.
Too, often, the student is handed a book and told to read.
They don’t understand what is written and a small voice inside of them tells them that they must be ignorant.
This causes the student to begin to hate learning.
There is a whole delicious feast of learning and too many are robbed of this feast by poor teaching and a focus on training instead of education.
It’s all in the teaching.
I had a friend of ourfamily who tutored in classics, gave me books as child. She re-read some every year in English, French Latin ,Greek. She was amazing.
Years later my 4 children had opportunity in high school to take humanities from a teacher like mine. 3 of them lapped it up. The 4th preferred math and became a lawyer. You can guess how they have all turned out.