“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Chuck U Schumer
He was just on Tucker. The only exchange where I thought he was being evasive is when Carlson asked him (paraphrasing), ‘How long have you been aware of this investigation.’ - meaning the investigation into the alleged ‘sex trafficking.’
Rather than answer that directly, he says that he became aware of the alleged extortion attempt just a couple weeks ago (March 16th, I believe he said).
Tucker didn’t follow-up though I wish he had. Did Gaetz know that this investigation started a while ago? Did it start a while ago, perhaps as long ago as last summer or spring? He didn’t say.
At the end of the day, he’s either traveling (or more) with a minor child or he’s not. If he didn’t, I’m not sure what there is to investigate particularly for months. Even our FBI can pretty quickly find the correct age for a person...I think.
If this young woman wasn’t 17, the FBI needs to explain exactly why they’re investigating the travel habits and companions of a US Congressman.
What a bizarre story in the Times and a bizarre response.
“Over the past several weeks my family and I have been victims of an organized criminal extortion...”
We all are every year about this time by the IRS.