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To: conservative98
2 posted on
03/30/2021 3:58:44 PM PDT by
(I will not do business with fascists)
To: conservative98
The New York Times is complicit.
3 posted on
03/30/2021 3:59:50 PM PDT by
(President Trump and his supporters are the Resistance. His opponents are the Reactionaries. )
To: conservative98
4 posted on
03/30/2021 4:00:02 PM PDT by
(Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is. , )
To: conservative98
He trusts the FBI to protect him?
6 posted on
03/30/2021 4:00:59 PM PDT by
( Sc)
To: conservative98
7 posted on
03/30/2021 4:02:06 PM PDT by
To: conservative98
Wondered if there was something that was causing him to bail out.
8 posted on
03/30/2021 4:02:54 PM PDT by
To: conservative98
Bagpipes Barr was busy I see.
9 posted on
03/30/2021 4:04:05 PM PDT by
To: conservative98
EVERYONE of the DOJ and FBI employees need to be fired and they and their families jailed for eternity.
My personal preference would get me banned.
12 posted on
03/30/2021 4:07:04 PM PDT by
(The Republican Party is DEAD! It took 160 years but The Whigs Struck Back!)
To: conservative98
He should go full-bore with an information release. This allusion to something going on is not helping. It is hard to believe that someone would try to extort $25 million based on nothing, him being a Representative with some clout. Look at little adam schiff; no matter how corrupt his activities, he skates.
13 posted on
03/30/2021 4:10:27 PM PDT by
To: conservative98
Silly republican, that doesn’t work against communists.
14 posted on
03/30/2021 4:11:11 PM PDT by
(The left would kill every single one of us and our families if they knew they could get away with it)
To: conservative98
Can’t believe he revealed the wire. That part of the investigation must be over
18 posted on
03/30/2021 4:16:35 PM PDT by
(To President Trump:
To: conservative98
Does Gaetz come from a wealthy - REALLY wealthy - family? If not, why would anyone, particularly a former DOJ official, believe a US Congressman had $25M laying around to make an embarrassing story go away?
I’m not saying I disbelieve Gaetz. But, my advice would be to get out in front of this story in something more substantive and convincing than a ‘tweet.’
I think skepticism in a case like this is always warranted...skepticism of all parties. When the parties involve the NY Times, FBI, DOJ and a politician, robust skepticism is warranted, of everyone.
19 posted on
03/30/2021 4:17:05 PM PDT by
(Reddit refugee.)
To: conservative98
When I read the original story that made the accusation on Matt Gaetz, I said to myself “Whoa, lets get more information before making comment”. Apparently, my instincts were correct.
21 posted on
03/30/2021 4:18:05 PM PDT by
Richard Axtell
(President Asterisk is an ass to risk the economy and rights of all Americans.)
To: conservative98
Next the FBI will accuse Donald Trump of crimes.
To: conservative98
Listening today, his case sounded weak...
Sorry to say.
27 posted on
03/30/2021 4:29:49 PM PDT by
Does so
(The Media is the enemy of the people...Trial lawyers close behind...)
To: conservative98
28 posted on
03/30/2021 4:30:46 PM PDT by
(Reddit refugee.)
To: conservative98
Peter J. Hasson
Rep. Matt Gaetz will be on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News
To: conservative98
The FBI?? I would check the tapes before asking for their release, chances are they doctored them
32 posted on
03/30/2021 4:35:52 PM PDT by
(founded in cynicism, wrapped in sarcasm)
To: conservative98
The DOJ will never release the tapes, theyll flip this around and indict Gaetz for something.
33 posted on
03/30/2021 4:36:52 PM PDT by
To: conservative98
Turns out Turncoat Barr is as much of a pig as he looks to be.
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