Had to go to dentist a couple days ago. Every time I talk to the assistants, hygienists etc and bring up “masks don’t work/huge % of fake positives/all this nasty sanitizer is useless and toxic” and they always agree and are happy to discuss the truth. They are forced to comply in order to stay in their jobs.
absolutely. I’ve had the same experience in doctor’s offices and in talking with friends who work in the health profession - doctors, nurses, office workers everyone agrees. It’s a scam, plain and simple.
And, they stop short in telling you the whole story.
Edicts, such as this are ONLY applicable to State employees, businesses and their employees.
Anyone who is regulated by the State.
Customers are not regulated by the State.
You do not need a “permit to shop” but businesses need a “permit to operate”.
All businesses can do is \ask\you to wear a mask.
If you refuse they can ask you to leave because \THEY\ may get fined for allowing you in maskless.
Even the edicts say a business MAY refuse service to maskless shoppers.
In wearing a mask because the Health Department says “thou shalt” is willingly giving up your Constitutionally enumerated rights as a citizen of the U.S.
You are substituting your liberty for a “permit” that is a mask.