You want deer in the headlights?
Explain to them that \every penny\ paid in taxes, Federal, State and local goes from the collection point to the Federal government that then re-apportions it BACK to the taxing locality.
NOT based on the amount collected, “booked” and sent but distributed according to actuarial tables created by the government.
And, those tables are constantly changed by the GAO.
Yep... and if I understand your point, hereabouts we pay more taxes to that distant D.C. than we receive back - especially now when the blue states are locked down and hurting for revenues - viz this latest CoViD stimulus bill: 9% to CoViD relief, 91% to waste and corruption. {Thank you, Nazi Pelosi}
We should hit the financial wall this year if D.C. continues with its tax and waste policies. Like rats deserting a sinking ship, D.C. politicians have their escape rat holes and plush escape nests... serfs: drop dead!
Of course, for us paupers nothing will change much - except that we will be declared criminals by the oligarchs.