look at the world coronavirus stats.
sort by deaths per 1m pop
india is #117.
zimbabwe is #121.
the US is #11
HOW is that possible? a first world country with all the med tech...
yet we’ve lost far more people than 3rd world countries with barely any tech.
Problem is, covid is really hard on people
Who are overweight, diabetic, have heart disease
And are old.
Lot of Americans check those boxes.
We have a lot of technology to keep us alive
But in this case, relying on pills to maintain
Health is part of the problem.
Most other countries do not offer financial incentives and rewards for over-inflating Covid fatality numbers. Our actual count of people that died from Covid is probably about 30% of the reported number.
Zimbabwe gubmint isn’t paying hospitals $14,000 per covid death.
Why? Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are forbidden!
Because anyone who died was reported as a covid death? It was an election year!