I don’t think that’s the same guy as the QB with the red shoes in post 225, and I didn’t hear about the alleged name calling, until your link.
“Wahhhh! You hurt my feelings!” I don’t know what Brady is supposed to have said, but I do know that their best buds and teammates call each other worse things. He’s just ticked because they lost to an “old guy” and they want to take some of the shine off Brady. Sore losers.
I don’t think that’s the same guy as the QB with the red shoes in post 225, and I didn’t hear about the alleged name calling, until your link.
That crybaby is Mathieu. He stopped his Jussie routine once he realized that Brady was mic-ed up and everything was recorded
It’s a setup to take Brady down?
1. Trump supporter with MAGFA hat in locker!
2. Talked trash in SB5:5, white privelege.
3. Won SB5:5; white oppressor..racist.
4. Must apologize for ALL the above or???
Media runs with it.
Brady retires or ignores it “like a bawss”.
Always tryin’ ta take down Brady. He’s the Donald J. Trump of Commercial Football! (I prefer to call it commercial football because sportsball ain’t a profession).