Micro schooling like https://prendaschool.com/
I was speaking with my beloved last evening about good teachers who might want to band together for those who are willing to hire teachers as part of Home Schooling.
No different that other businesses, in that the teachers could join a Group Insurance.
This is where you would, or should, be looking and finding the really good teachers, not the ‘just in it for the paycheque’ folks.
If everyone sent kids to private schools the public school system would collapse.
I am an example of the retired candidate. The $$$ would not be much of a factor and have been tutoring the grand kids for 10+ years. Reading, writing, math, projects, etc. A couple of days ago, I was working with the grandson on chemistry.
I was in a 1-room school for a few days when in elementary school. My aunt in Oklahoma was the teacher in a 1-room tribal school and on my spring break or something, my same age cousin, jr. high cousin and I went with her to work. It was a mix of mix of elementary to HS students, about 15 of them, maybe fewer. I don't recall any difficulty in managing the different levels and if anything, it was an advantage. Probably a key thing was the small class size.