I was speaking with my beloved last evening about good teachers who might want to band together for those who are willing to hire teachers as part of Home Schooling.
No different that other businesses, in that the teachers could join a Group Insurance.
This is where you would, or should, be looking and finding the really good teachers, not the ‘just in it for the paycheque’ folks.
my son goes to a church campus twice weekly with a highly educated core of Christian/Classical learned teachers...many are classical scholars (Rice PHD’s or Houston Baptist University alumni and/or missionaries). The avg class size is 15-5 students due to pandemic...slightly more pre-pandemic. They read only original works...St Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Martin Luther,etc..lots of papers and required Latin.
Must wear suit/tie on campus days. Chapel in the AM & also choir. No PE but they have cross-country and other Eloquim classes after school for extra. Must memorize 45-60 points of history to be recalled on a dime. Lots of poetry memory work as well. He will graduate in 2 years. about 5K per year. Parent is “co-teacher” during other 3 weekdays following the leasson plans online.