Thanks. We are all anxious for the resolution of this hideous nightmare. Brought to the precipice? I feel as though we’re off the edge and hanging on by fingernails with feet dangling in the air.
Take heart, LJ. I fell somehow that today we rounded a corner. Don’t know how...just a feeling.
By education I’m a scientist - very data driven. Yet over decades of life, I’ve learned to trust intuition/instinct.
I’m quite okay with where we are now.
I think the biggest difficulty I have had has resulted because I have tried to focus on a timeframe for victory.
Once I stopped trying to think in terms of a date certain for events to occur, I began to relax.
I don’t know when it will occur, but I know that Trump will return and that the evil-doers will be brought to justice. Serenity is mine now.
God is with us.