” the failed coup”
No bias there, no sir!
A history book I used for Jr. High students had an illustration of a black family relaxing outside their shack. I asked the students how they could know that the people shown were free, not slaves. Kids didn’t see it. The shotgun propped up by the door meant they were free.
Come and take ‘em, Sharon.
This is of course Newspeak for “we must disarm anyone who will not submit fully to us and the total control of our government over all aspects of their lives.” “White supremacy” is just today’s made up excuse for what the authoritarians have always tried to do to the little people. Race of course has nothing to actually do with what they are trying to accomplish in creating a weak, unarmed, easily controlled populace. It’s just their favorite rhetorical tool at the moment.
It’s obvious that my ownership of a humble S&W .22LR is entirely responsible for all those heinous racist incidents, most of which occurred prior to my birth. I will turn it in now! /sarc
Then why are blacks shooting each other?
Wow. Blacks are much higher than hispanics and white US citizens are really low.
But we payed surrender monkey on a coup and theft of a presidency and the ripping down of statues so forgive me if I don’t have much faith in the grabbing of buns being fought against.
Talk is cheap. And there’s been way too much of it on our side
Ooooh I find it so difficult to restrain my natural vocabulary in response to people like this supposed “author”. The bottom line is this... people like this witch are not content to live their lives and let you live yours. They are bent on domination, to control you. This witch uses the excuse of slavery in an attempt to commit it! She disguises herself as a victim in an effort to become a savage evil.
There’s pics and vids all over social media showing BLM/ANQUEEFA types openly brandishing “assault rifles” yet no concerns from the Karens at Moms Demand Action or the little shyts from March For Our Lives. Hell, they support them.
It’s a good thing blacks don’t ever use guns or murder anyone.
The washington compost is the information warfare wing of the democrat party’s army, folks. They are the enemy.
Another article from the paper that is used to wrap kitty litter up. I wouldn’t use it to wrap fish in.. 🤓
I bet they all prefer to make their sandwiches with white Wonderbread, too....
Do you have a link for the article containing this graph? Appreciate your help.
Fact checking?
The prevailing narrative of the last five years has been that Trump seized and maintains power by appealing to the desires of white voters and men (and especially, white men) to preserve the patriarchy and white supremacy. However, it seems difficult to square these talking points with the preliminary exit poll data from this year’s presidential race.
Let’s start with gender: across racial and ethnic groups, women shifted towards Trump this cycle. In the last election, Trump won white women by a margin of 9 percentage points. This year, he won by 11 percentage points. In 2016, Democrats won Hispanic and Latina women by 44 percentage points; in 2020 they won by 39. Last cycle, Democrats won black women by 90 percentage points. This year, by 81 points... Overall, comparing 2016 and 2020, Trump gained 4 percentage points with African Americans, 3 percentage points with Hispanics and Latinos, and 5 percentage points with Asian Americans. The shifts described in Edison’s exit polls are verified by AP Votecast, which showed similar movement among black and Hispanic voters this cycle. (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/nov/14/joe-biden-trump-black-latino-republicans)
Meanwhile even https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/dec/08/roy-blunt/blunts-wrong-trump-did-not-get-highest-minority-vo/ states that Trump won an estimated 26% of the overall minority vote, which ranks as the second best showing in the past 100 years by a Republican candidate, trailing only the 2004 election in which George W. Bush received 28% of the vote."