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Lin Wood whistleblower stuff ...


Semi-transcript below. Read along as the audio isn't the best.

Think about who's voice is this?

Think about what level of classified intel this person would have to have access to.

Think about whether this person bought himself into that inner circle.

30 minutes

Again, this tape picks up in the middle of whistleblower's debriefing/confessionsa|a|a|. (this is not verbatim transcript, but close)

A. a|. he started working directly with Rod Rosenstein in Baltimore. Because of the access over the other agencies, FBI for instance would come for corroboration for things they were working or to ask questions if he had seen something related to anything. Grew from there.

Because of undercover nature/investigations related to terrorists /domestic terrorism within the country, they kept me fairly well concealed. Access was limited to a certain group headed by Rod Rosenstein, which became known as the Dirty Tricks Squad of Baltimore. This is where they were using HAMR, etc. to illegally spy on people. Corrupt Judges. Compromise them. Hillary Clinton. and more. Concetrated on Judges.

C-Seps (phoentic) Operation. DOJ. Run out of F.t Washington w/satellite location in Baltimore. Illegally compromise people, illegal wiretaps, break into computers, plant info, reverse, change emails, etc.

In his capacity working w/them, that the info about judges, Roberts, Pence and things like that have come out. He tried in several times in past to get info out, but he was thoroughly squashed by Rod Rosenstein and the DOJ and the FBI. In 2015, he tried to "Enron" them, went to DHS with a pile of evidence and video and audio recordings. It got too large for them and made its way back to FBI and DOJ.

In 2015-2016 he made a video discussing quite a bit of this and tried to get it to Devon Nunes, who was head of House Intel Cmte at the time, but one of the people involved ran interference. It went largely unnoticed.

He tried to warn President Trump about people he was dealing with daily, especially Rod R. They were working to remove him (Trump) and trying to compromise the people around Trump anyway they could.

Q. How were Rosenstein and Pence connected?

A. They are all interconnected. But that particular group, Rod, VP Pence, Paul Ryan at core of that group. Roberts was in there. Rod was brilliant legal mind behind it, to remove Trump via 25th Amendment. The operational name was "Run Silent, Run Deep". They didn't use it after a while, since it was such a small group. That's an old movie about someone being passed over for a promotion.

VP Pence hated Pres. Trump, felt Trump took his rightful slot to be president. Ryan wanted VP slot. Romney also involved. Trump is an outsider who hasn't paid his dues they just didn't like him. VP Pence was their mole inside. Pence was to stay quiet, run interference, keep tabs on, and manage Trump.

Q. Was this a friendly relationship between Pence and Rosenstein, or was there some kind of leverage over president or VP at the time?

A. Leverage over Pence. Surveillance circa 2013. They had to exploit. Rod had that. Rod wanted VP slot for himself. If they could remove Trump, VP becomes president, Rod R. felt he would be natural selection for VP. Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney felt differently, but that was the overall goal. Each vying for VP. Rod felt he was clear winner, legal brilliance & mgmt of Mueller investigation, which would damage president thoroughly remove president, therefore he would deserve the VP.

Q. Any leverage over VP?

A. VP homosexual relationships in past. Not a problem. Many were adults. Throughout time in Congress. When Gov, explored more. Men 20 yrs his junior. One of these men introduced younger and younger males (teenagers down to 13 yrs).

Rod and Justice Roberts, a lot of younger ones that were brought as favors were supplied by Epstein's channels.

Roberts over FISA courts helped to prepare them. Epstein was some kind of intel asset to various agencies around the world. Exploited in various ways. The intel was enough to get FISA warrants and surveill. importabnt to obtain leverage over people. Under Rod Rosenstein's tutelage.


Q. Explain Dirty Tricks Squad and Rosenstein's role, and did Roberts interact with them?

A. Dirty Tricks Squad was just a nickname, nothing official. This group of people they got dirt on were controlled. "I was one that was controlled."

(Spelling of name below is phonetic)

Rod Rosenstein, Shawn Henry (FBI), Shawn Ridges (Secret Service), Joseph Rosati (DEA), Boreshack (ATF), Greg Hutts (TFO? DEA, formerly Baltimore County Police). Basic dirty tricks squad. Computer experts, muscle, tactical experts, and that's what they were doing. There was another group in Ft. Washington. Satellite location just for illegal stuff, comms stuff, hacking, phone tapping, you name it. Concentrated on Title 3 Judges <- main focus. But they would go after anyone, political rivals, sitting politicians, family members of judges. They would compromise as many as they could. They had no problem hacking computers, planting information to compromise people. They did that numerous times. Rosenstein and Bridges had done that for years and years.

Fanagle cases before the courts. If someone had the financial resources to fight them, they didn't like that. They's plant child porn on their computer, threaten charges for it. To avoid prison as a pedo, they would use leverage. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of cases of this. Their targeted victim would then plead to lesser crimes, and forfeit their assets to avoid having it appear on record. They then skimmed off their percentage. Shawn Brodges was particularly good at this. Which is how he got attention of Rosentein and moved up to federal.

Shawn didn't like Obama or Hillary. Had access to WH and CIA on the side. Had Secret clearance. #1 expert on computer forensics. Access to gov't computers.

Q. Was he gov't employee or contractor?

A. He was secret service. Had access. He could go anywhere, often in the White House. Often texting what Obama etc were doing. Hacked Obama's blackberry for fun. Hacked the girls phones. Would call and watch them do their daily stuff.

He's truly gifted w/computers. He's born to do it. He's a violent person. Belies his size (5'8", 120#) but very violent. Arrogant. It's all about the money.

This is the core of the dirty tricks squad. That's all they do. Hack people, steal their information, alter emails, manipulate things. Sell the intelligence, launder it. Shawn, Wesley, Bridges was the foremost expert of e-commerce and bitcoin. That's what he went to prison for. And their illegal profits skimmed off. Target people with cash or bank account, and he'd launder it for them. He still has millions of dollars in online accounts. He also holds several passports and will disappear as soon as released.

Q. Do you know where he would disappear to?

A. Central or S. America. He has discussed Colombia or Argentina as possibilities because of his wife's family. She's from has family there. He purchased documents and passports from governments in S. America. He has the money to do so. He's all about the money.

Q. Tell me about Alan Borshack.

A. Borshack retired ATF. He's a nasty piece of work. Involved in his official capacity in the illegal gun running in Fast and Furious. He made sure the paperwork stayed clean in case things came back into the country. He was supplying the guns supposedly that would be tracked and made sure he stayed clean as far as serial numbers and stuff like that. his entire career as far as he knows. He has lots of disposable money. Lots of (cash? caches?)

When Rod started falling out of favor as the DAG, they (Borshack and Rosati) felt their protection was leaving. Borshack and Rosati divorced, no contest, put everything in her name, paid off existing house, over $300k. Borshack was even more in cash. Bought another house with $250k cash downpayment. Lived there with his wife, he just divorced.

Q. By cash by transfer, or by hard cash.

A. Cash. They were also able to come up with large checks as well. He lived there with his wife. If you look at the surface, he's a barely getting by DEA agent who owes money to several people.


Q. Rosati?

A. Rosati.

Q. Keep on Borshack. We'll get to Rosati in a second.

A. Borshack divorced at same time. Gave wife $600k after divorce, put things in her name. Cash. Bought a large condo for himself. Road race bikes, he likes to bike. $10-12-15,000 bikes custom made for him. Just one of his hobbies. He's got watercraft, cars, etc. Never has problem finding cash. He's dealing guns and helps people clear up stuff that is out there.


Q. OK very good. Now onto Rosati,

A. Rosati DEA steroid freak. 6'2" body builder. He's a violent, nasty, lying person. Always has been. Not just whistleblower other people say/complain about the same thing. Dozens and dozens of cases where he added drugs to things where multiple agents involved and the only complaints are against Rosati, and exact same complaints from the agents. Didn't work. Had to be cowboy out on his own. Swoop in with big busts. 14 agents would find 30# of pot and he would swoop in with a kilo of coke and make the big busts. Rosati has been sued many times, including by drug dealers who said they were drug dealers that sold pot but never touched the other stuff, Rosati added that. Exact same complaints over and over by agents and defendants. When things got too bad, DEA would transfer him to another region.

Q. In previous tape, he and Borshack were involved in the Seth Rich murder. Any others?

A. Borshack was involved in supplying the firearm, securing it after and making sure it got destroyed. Rosati was the one there with Seth Rich and was going to pick up the MS13 people outside of the City of Baltimore. And then when he got them out of city, he kept Kevin Darty with him.

Darty was a hang around, wannabe federal agent, such up to them continuously hoping to get an appointment. A big wannabe with a different story/background. Was in the marine corp for about a year many years ago. They just used him as a gofer. But he was there that night. Darty was the one who attempted to kill Jack later on because he's being exposed of a crime. He's in prison for that now.

Borshack and Rosati very tight, have been involved in other murders. They sold guns to gang members that later resulted in murders. Called fishing. Sometimes they'd leave them there. It's very easy for them to come up with firearms. They would sell them off and then Borshack would trace the serial numbers and see if it was related later on to any shootings or deaths. They call that fishing and see if they got one.

Q. Similar to Fast and Furious idea?

A. Yeah. Just a local version of it. Same time frame. They would track s/n to see if used in a crime. They made the money, bad guys killed each other. Ha ha great fun

Q. Rosati has been known to use poisons on people?

A. Rosati is known to help people overdose. Hot shots. Pure drugs. Shoot to o/d, kill them. He's done this to informants he's used several times as far as we know. He's bragged about his informants, start doing drugs with them. When they think they have enough leverage on them, they set them up, give them an overdose.

< note at this point, the whisteblower leans forward and his face comes into view partially for a brief moment >

Q. Is he also involved in pharmaceutical, pharmacy fraud?

A. Pharmacy fraud yes. Not pharmaceutical, he doesn't have the brain for it. As DEA agent he used his authority to manipulate pharmacies, shipping and inspections. Pharmacies inspected 1x per month by DEA. Especially the narcotics shipments. All meds supposed to be inspected. He could move them thru, he could sign off on that. Everything looked fine, numbers ok. But 30,000 more pills would be sitting there because they were selling it for him. They did all kinds of things for him. Pharmacies were ordering massive amounts of opiates, sold on the streets, sold to other pharmacies, he was manipulating the inspections.

When (pharmacy?) felt they were getting too exposed, or local police got wind, they'd distance themselves, shut him up.


Q. A cousin looks like him?

A. Yes, but skinnier, but face the same. Cousin would go into bank and open bank accounts, get credit cards. Bounce checks, max out cards anything possible. Then it hit the fan, then he would go in as the investigating officer and tell bank, is this me, and I the one who opened this? No, they wouldn't remember him. Another scam.

He got other agents shot one time. He was calling random people as a phony DEA agent. Told people a package had been intercepted with drugs with their name on it. Not in country yet, but on its way. If reaches this county, will charge you. If you pay fee/fine now won't charge you. A number of people did pay. Others would say no and would contact DEA. But he was the DEA point man on the scam. He eventually got caught. It was a nationwide scam. Calls from pay phone near DEA, near his home and his burner phone. Some people recorded as evidence. Because of phony DEA people trying to make arrests, there were real agents with a high risk warrant in CA who got shot. They ID's themselves as serving a warrant, but got shot up because he had heard about phony agents, and it was because ofhim. He didn't care.

Q. Rosati worked with mafia people in the MD area. Catalino (SP?) Pizza mentioned.

A. He protects certain people. Provides them with what he needs, lots of money. Catalino Pizza on Route 1, MD. Run by Little Tony, his father Big Tony, connected to NJ and NY mafia. Runs pizza place. Little Tony owns everything up there. He owns millions and millions and millions of dollars of real estate that he gets rent off of. That all came from drugs. Rosati and local police worked with him for years. He's not touchable. This is his steady supply/source. Would bring in drugs 1x week in trucks from NJ, broken down and taken out. Hundreds of pounds. Heroin taken to Baltimore & DC heroin dealer. Predominantly heroin now.

Q. Is Rosati running protection for them? Looting for time? What's his role in that specific operation?

A. He gives them intelligence. If someone is talking in Baltimore, he can let them know. If he gets intelligence, he gets paid. They provide whatever he needs. If he comes up with a bust, he's always skimming, he can get rid of it thru them. They were helping him previously when there was a big opiod crisis going on and he was coming up with 20,30,40 thousand pills a month. They helped him unload it because he had pharmacists in MD that were working with him, ones that he was protecting. They set up non-profits to launder all the money. But once he was getting 20-40,000 pills/mo they needed (mafia) help to move the drugs.

Q. Now with this group, one of them that you mention, Shawna|

A. Henry (FBI). Nasty guy. Involved up to his eyeballs. Dirty tricks. Nasty. He's a lot like Strzok. Computer expert. He had no problem sending information to any foreign government who would pay. He's all about money. He's at Crowdstrike now. He's nasty. He's a complete criminal with a badge. He's not FBI now, but he's still connected to them. They help him with certain things. He's a flat out criminal.

Q. Was there any specific tie-in with (Chief Justice) Roberts to this group to things they would do for Rosenstein? Was this group involved in any of these plotted murders of the supreme court justices that you know of, or local judges?

A. They provided intelligence from illegal surveillance of one kind of another to the FBI people, to Shawn Henry who would take it to the FBI insiders, these false flag people who had infiltrated groups. They were getting it from both sides. Roberts certainly knew about it. He helped with the FISA warrants and anything that was connected to it. He knew and wanted a say in who was replaced. But was Roberts involved in the day to day nitty gritty Dirty Tricks Squad? Because it was every day non-stop. They would even drive around looking for an open port when they had some really nasty stuff to do, like with Joe Hackesson. They did that from an apartment complex. Drive around, find an open port, and go in from there. So he (Roberts) was involved in the higher level planning but not necessarily the nitty gritty of getting intelligence to the FBI people, like Henry.

1,214 posted on 01/25/2021 1:53:23 PM PST by Cboldt
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To: Cboldt; little jeremiah; bitt

Holy moly !!!

ThankQ for the transcript !!!


Cboldt wrote:

“Lin Wood whistleblower stuff ...

Semi-transcript below. Read along as the audio isn’t the best.

Think about who’s voice is this?

Think about what level of classified intel this person would have to have access to.

Think about whether this person bought himself into that inner circle.

30 minutes

Again, this tape picks up in the middle of whistleblower’s debriefing/confessionsa|a|a|. (this is not verbatim transcript, but close)

A. a|. he started working directly with Rod Rosenstein in Baltimore. Because of the access over the other agencies, FBI for instance would come for corroboration for things they were working or to ask questions if he had seen something related to anything. Grew from there.

Because of undercover nature/investigations related to terrorists /domestic terrorism within the country, they kept me fairly well concealed. Access was limited to a certain group headed by Rod Rosenstein, which became known as the Dirty Tricks Squad of Baltimore. This is where they were using HAMR, etc. to illegally spy on people. Corrupt Judges. Compromise them. Hillary Clinton. and more. Concetrated on Judges.

C-Seps (phoentic) Operation. DOJ. Run out of F.t Washington w/satellite location in Baltimore. Illegally compromise people, illegal wiretaps, break into computers, plant info, reverse, change emails, etc.

In his capacity working w/them, that the info about judges, Roberts, Pence and things like that have come out. He tried in several times in past to get info out, but he was thoroughly squashed by Rod Rosenstein and the DOJ and the FBI. In 2015, he tried to “Enron” them, went to DHS with a pile of evidence and video and audio recordings. It got too large for them and made its way back to FBI and DOJ.

In 2015-2016 he made a video discussing quite a bit of this and tried to get it to Devon Nunes, who was head of House Intel Cmte at the time, but one of the people involved ran interference. It went largely unnoticed.

He tried to warn President Trump about people he was dealing with daily, especially Rod R. They were working to remove him (Trump) and trying to compromise the people around Trump anyway they could.

Q. How were Rosenstein and Pence connected?

A. They are all interconnected. But that particular group, Rod, VP Pence, Paul Ryan at core of that group. Roberts was in there. Rod was brilliant legal mind behind it, to remove Trump via 25th Amendment. The operational name was “Run Silent, Run Deep”. They didn’t use it after a while, since it was such a small group. That’s an old movie about someone being passed over for a promotion.

VP Pence hated Pres. Trump, felt Trump took his rightful slot to be president. Ryan wanted VP slot. Romney also involved. Trump is an outsider who hasn’t paid his dues they just didn’t like him. VP Pence was their mole inside. Pence was to stay quiet, run interference, keep tabs on, and manage Trump.

Q. Was this a friendly relationship between Pence and Rosenstein, or was there some kind of leverage over president or VP at the time?

A. Leverage over Pence. Surveillance circa 2013. They had to exploit. Rod had that. Rod wanted VP slot for himself. If they could remove Trump, VP becomes president, Rod R. felt he would be natural selection for VP. Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney felt differently, but that was the overall goal. Each vying for VP. Rod felt he was clear winner, legal brilliance & mgmt of Mueller investigation, which would damage president thoroughly remove president, therefore he would deserve the VP.

Q. Any leverage over VP?

A. VP homosexual relationships in past. Not a problem. Many were adults. Throughout time in Congress. When Gov, explored more. Men 20 yrs his junior. One of these men introduced younger and younger males (teenagers down to 13 yrs).

Rod and Justice Roberts, a lot of younger ones that were brought as favors were supplied by Epstein’s channels.

Roberts over FISA courts helped to prepare them. Epstein was some kind of intel asset to various agencies around the world. Exploited in various ways. The intel was enough to get FISA warrants and surveill. importabnt to obtain leverage over people. Under Rod Rosenstein’s tutelage.


Q. Explain Dirty Tricks Squad and Rosenstein’s role, and did Roberts interact with them?

A. Dirty Tricks Squad was just a nickname, nothing official. This group of people they got dirt on were controlled. “I was one that was controlled.”

(Spelling of name below is phonetic)

Rod Rosenstein, Shawn Henry (FBI), Shawn Ridges (Secret Service), Joseph Rosati (DEA), Boreshack (ATF), Greg Hutts (TFO? DEA, formerly Baltimore County Police). Basic dirty tricks squad. Computer experts, muscle, tactical experts, and that’s what they were doing. There was another group in Ft. Washington. Satellite location just for illegal stuff, comms stuff, hacking, phone tapping, you name it. Concentrated on Title 3 Judges <- main focus. But they would go after anyone, political rivals, sitting politicians, family members of judges. They would compromise as many as they could. They had no problem hacking computers, planting information to compromise people. They did that numerous times. Rosenstein and Bridges had done that for years and years.

Fanagle cases before the courts. If someone had the financial resources to fight them, they didn’t like that. They’s plant child porn on their computer, threaten charges for it. To avoid prison as a pedo, they would use leverage. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of cases of this. Their targeted victim would then plead to lesser crimes, and forfeit their assets to avoid having it appear on record. They then skimmed off their percentage. Shawn Brodges was particularly good at this. Which is how he got attention of Rosentein and moved up to federal.

Shawn didn’t like Obama or Hillary. Had access to WH and CIA on the side. Had Secret clearance. #1 expert on computer forensics. Access to gov’t computers.

Q. Was he gov’t employee or contractor?

A. He was secret service. Had access. He could go anywhere, often in the White House. Often texting what Obama etc were doing. Hacked Obama’s blackberry for fun. Hacked the girls phones. Would call and watch them do their daily stuff.

He’s truly gifted w/computers. He’s born to do it. He’s a violent person. Belies his size (5’8”, 120#) but very violent. Arrogant. It’s all about the money.

This is the core of the dirty tricks squad. That’s all they do. Hack people, steal their information, alter emails, manipulate things. Sell the intelligence, launder it. Shawn, Wesley, Bridges was the foremost expert of e-commerce and bitcoin. That’s what he went to prison for. And their illegal profits skimmed off. Target people with cash or bank account, and he’d launder it for them. He still has millions of dollars in online accounts. He also holds several passports and will disappear as soon as released.

Q. Do you know where he would disappear to?

A. Central or S. America. He has discussed Colombia or Argentina as possibilities because of his wife’s family. She’s from has family there. He purchased documents and passports from governments in S. America. He has the money to do so. He’s all about the money.

Q. Tell me about Alan Borshack.

A. Borshack retired ATF. He’s a nasty piece of work. Involved in his official capacity in the illegal gun running in Fast and Furious. He made sure the paperwork stayed clean in case things came back into the country. He was supplying the guns supposedly that would be tracked and made sure he stayed clean as far as serial numbers and stuff like that. his entire career as far as he knows. He has lots of disposable money. Lots of (cash? caches?)

When Rod started falling out of favor as the DAG, they (Borshack and Rosati) felt their protection was leaving. Borshack and Rosati divorced, no contest, put everything in her name, paid off existing house, over $300k. Borshack was even more in cash. Bought another house with $250k cash downpayment. Lived there with his wife, he just divorced.

Q. By cash by transfer, or by hard cash.

A. Cash. They were also able to come up with large checks as well. He lived there with his wife. If you look at the surface, he’s a barely getting by DEA agent who owes money to several people.


Q. Rosati?

A. Rosati.

Q. Keep on Borshack. We’ll get to Rosati in a second.

A. Borshack divorced at same time. Gave wife $600k after divorce, put things in her name. Cash. Bought a large condo for himself. Road race bikes, he likes to bike. $10-12-15,000 bikes custom made for him. Just one of his hobbies. He’s got watercraft, cars, etc. Never has problem finding cash. He’s dealing guns and helps people clear up stuff that is out there.


Q. OK very good. Now onto Rosati,

A. Rosati DEA steroid freak. 6’2” body builder. He’s a violent, nasty, lying person. Always has been. Not just whistleblower other people say/complain about the same thing. Dozens and dozens of cases where he added drugs to things where multiple agents involved and the only complaints are against Rosati, and exact same complaints from the agents. Didn’t work. Had to be cowboy out on his own. Swoop in with big busts. 14 agents would find 30# of pot and he would swoop in with a kilo of coke and make the big busts. Rosati has been sued many times, including by drug dealers who said they were drug dealers that sold pot but never touched the other stuff, Rosati added that. Exact same complaints over and over by agents and defendants. When things got too bad, DEA would transfer him to another region.

Q. In previous tape, he and Borshack were involved in the Seth Rich murder. Any others?

A. Borshack was involved in supplying the firearm, securing it after and making sure it got destroyed. Rosati was the one there with Seth Rich and was going to pick up the MS13 people outside of the City of Baltimore. And then when he got them out of city, he kept Kevin Darty with him.

Darty was a hang around, wannabe federal agent, such up to them continuously hoping to get an appointment. A big wannabe with a different story/background. Was in the marine corp for about a year many years ago. They just used him as a gofer. But he was there that night. Darty was the one who attempted to kill Jack later on because he’s being exposed of a crime. He’s in prison for that now.

Borshack and Rosati very tight, have been involved in other murders. They sold guns to gang members that later resulted in murders. Called fishing. Sometimes they’d leave them there. It’s very easy for them to come up with firearms. They would sell them off and then Borshack would trace the serial numbers and see if it was related later on to any shootings or deaths. They call that fishing and see if they got one.

Q. Similar to Fast and Furious idea?

A. Yeah. Just a local version of it. Same time frame. They would track s/n to see if used in a crime. They made the money, bad guys killed each other. Ha ha great fun

Q. Rosati has been known to use poisons on people?

A. Rosati is known to help people overdose. Hot shots. Pure drugs. Shoot to o/d, kill them. He’s done this to informants he’s used several times as far as we know. He’s bragged about his informants, start doing drugs with them. When they think they have enough leverage on them, they set them up, give them an overdose.

< note at this point, the whisteblower leans forward and his face comes into view partially for a brief moment >

Q. Is he also involved in pharmaceutical, pharmacy fraud?

A. Pharmacy fraud yes. Not pharmaceutical, he doesn’t have the brain for it. As DEA agent he used his authority to manipulate pharmacies, shipping and inspections. Pharmacies inspected 1x per month by DEA. Especially the narcotics shipments. All meds supposed to be inspected. He could move them thru, he could sign off on that. Everything looked fine, numbers ok. But 30,000 more pills would be sitting there because they were selling it for him. They did all kinds of things for him. Pharmacies were ordering massive amounts of opiates, sold on the streets, sold to other pharmacies, he was manipulating the inspections.

When (pharmacy?) felt they were getting too exposed, or local police got wind, they’d distance themselves, shut him up.


Q. A cousin looks like him?

A. Yes, but skinnier, but face the same. Cousin would go into bank and open bank accounts, get credit cards. Bounce checks, max out cards anything possible. Then it hit the fan, then he would go in as the investigating officer and tell bank, is this me, and I the one who opened this? No, they wouldn’t remember him. Another scam.

He got other agents shot one time. He was calling random people as a phony DEA agent. Told people a package had been intercepted with drugs with their name on it. Not in country yet, but on its way. If reaches this county, will charge you. If you pay fee/fine now won’t charge you. A number of people did pay. Others would say no and would contact DEA. But he was the DEA point man on the scam. He eventually got caught. It was a nationwide scam. Calls from pay phone near DEA, near his home and his burner phone. Some people recorded as evidence. Because of phony DEA people trying to make arrests, there were real agents with a high risk warrant in CA who got shot. They ID’s themselves as serving a warrant, but got shot up because he had heard about phony agents, and it was because ofhim. He didn’t care.

Q. Rosati worked with mafia people in the MD area. Catalino (SP?) Pizza mentioned.

A. He protects certain people. Provides them with what he needs, lots of money. Catalino Pizza on Route 1, MD. Run by Little Tony, his father Big Tony, connected to NJ and NY mafia. Runs pizza place. Little Tony owns everything up there. He owns millions and millions and millions of dollars of real estate that he gets rent off of. That all came from drugs. Rosati and local police worked with him for years. He’s not touchable. This is his steady supply/source. Would bring in drugs 1x week in trucks from NJ, broken down and taken out. Hundreds of pounds. Heroin taken to Baltimore & DC heroin dealer. Predominantly heroin now.

Q. Is Rosati running protection for them? Looting for time? What’s his role in that specific operation?

A. He gives them intelligence. If someone is talking in Baltimore, he can let them know. If he gets intelligence, he gets paid. They provide whatever he needs. If he comes up with a bust, he’s always skimming, he can get rid of it thru them. They were helping him previously when there was a big opiod crisis going on and he was coming up with 20,30,40 thousand pills a month. They helped him unload it because he had pharmacists in MD that were working with him, ones that he was protecting. They set up non-profits to launder all the money. But once he was getting 20-40,000 pills/mo they needed (mafia) help to move the drugs.

Q. Now with this group, one of them that you mention, Shawna|

A. Henry (FBI). Nasty guy. Involved up to his eyeballs. Dirty tricks. Nasty. He’s a lot like Strzok. Computer expert. He had no problem sending information to any foreign government who would pay. He’s all about money. He’s at Crowdstrike now. He’s nasty. He’s a complete criminal with a badge. He’s not FBI now, but he’s still connected to them. They help him with certain things. He’s a flat out criminal.

Q. Was there any specific tie-in with (Chief Justice) Roberts to this group to things they would do for Rosenstein? Was this group involved in any of these plotted murders of the supreme court justices that you know of, or local judges?

A. They provided intelligence from illegal surveillance of one kind of another to the FBI people, to Shawn Henry who would take it to the FBI insiders, these false flag people who had infiltrated groups. They were getting it from both sides. Roberts certainly knew about it. He helped with the FISA warrants and anything that was connected to it. He knew and wanted a say in who was replaced. But was Roberts involved in the day to day nitty gritty Dirty Tricks Squad? Because it was every day non-stop. They would even drive around looking for an open port when they had some really nasty stuff to do, like with Joe Hackesson. They did that from an apartment complex. Drive around, find an open port, and go in from there. So he (Roberts) was involved in the higher level planning but not necessarily the nitty gritty of getting intelligence to the FBI people, like Henry.”

1,233 posted on 01/25/2021 2:07:08 PM PST by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000))
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To: goldbux

* * *

1,254 posted on 01/25/2021 2:38:58 PM PST by goldbux (No sufficiently rich interpreted language can represent its own semantics. -- Alfred Tarski, 1936)
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To: Cboldt

Thanks fir the transcript. I don’t have time to listen to long audio/watch videos, so I appreciate what you did.

1,264 posted on 01/25/2021 2:58:52 PM PST by JoeA (JoeA (This election determines the fate of our Constitutional Republic))
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To: Cboldt

Add Rod R. and Pence to my list of those that should be arrested. God the swamp is deep and filled with crocodiles.

1,305 posted on 01/25/2021 3:43:39 PM PST by Metrobank
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To: Cboldt

Bigger than you can imagine. Lawdy mercy.

1,332 posted on 01/25/2021 4:09:16 PM PST by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: Cboldt

thanks for that transcript

1,538 posted on 01/25/2021 8:58:16 PM PST by bitt (Joe Biden has managed to take everything that is wrong with DC bureacracy and fit it into 1 cabinet)
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To: Cboldt

Thank you for bringing over this transcript

2,160 posted on 01/27/2021 10:16:55 AM PST by AllAmericanGirl44 (“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it”)
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