Hmm. I had the opposite experience here.
I would say there was an equal mix of Trump and Hillary signs in 16. About a third of the signs were for Stein and Johnson.
This time around, there were far, far more Biden signs. I could not believe the numbers. It was not unusual to see 15 houses out of 100 with a Biden sign and only 1 for Trump. In 16, it was more like 3 for Hillary and 3 for Trump.
And all the downtown shops had BLM signs, no doubt half of them to deter vandals.
This is a high-Karen area.
I surmise that the teachers’ unions were big in pushing people to put up signs since they couldn’t host in-person campaign events.
The signs could explain why I, compared to others on the thread, heard more talk of people voting for Biden. The signs could have created some sort of bandwagon effect for him around here.
I’m sure the “high-Karen areas” around here are more like yours. Like I said, it’s a blue county, but I thank God we chose to live in one of the 3% (or however scarce) Karen-repellent neighborhoods that has no homeowner’s association.
Interesting observation. I spent normally 11 months out of the year on the road, new base every two weeks. Not once did I see any area where the Bidet signs came close to Trump in number.
But I work in rural or suburban areas.
I suggest you need a breath of fresh air in Another location. The one you are in is poison. Might fairly explain your Debbie Downer outlook on life.