We have a problem right now, and we need a solution fast.
The left is using “white supremacist” to create fear and its effective. They’ve combined the words riot and white suprmacist to describe every single person that was in the capital and who supports Trump. White supramicist works because enough people have an aversion to it.
In meantime, we are witnessing an incredible assault on free speech and free association. We need a term that will create revulsion in people, the need to protest that’s who they are. Here are some, and we need to choose the best one. Stalinist is one idea.
Maybe use this link to make I(Heart)Stalin erasers to give as gifts to people who advocate for speach suppression and don’t have the mental capacity to distinguish between white supremacy, protest, riot, and more.
We need to find a to laugh at and demoralize the cancel crowd.
OBOZO started the White priv stuff.... my daughter was a teenager then, I made sure to let her know how hard I worked to get where I was and grew up in neighborhood where I was the minority. But, I can assure you most of her friends didn’t have parents like me ranting about that narrative. Hence we have brainwashed 20 some year olds.
The left is using “white supremacist” to create fear and its effective.
It’s only effective as a rallying cry to a few hardcores. Not the general population of the US. The censors and other enablers of tyranny don’t even believe, it’s just an excuse.
The way to correct it is Trump’s second term, not some technique.
“Maybe use this link to make I(Heart)Stalin erasers to give as gifts”
I have been wondering what I could include
in the return envelope to the RNC to increase the postage
and send a message.
Erasers is a great idea.
"White supremacist" is the new "racist". And it works on two levels. First, "white supremacists" are clearly worse than mere "racists". Second, while people have noticed that some black people are more racist than racist white people, no one can accuse a black person of being a "white supremacist".
Alinsky’s Rule #5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.