Diabetes? CTE?
This sucks. RIP.
I was thinking Shawn Green. Pretty impressive to lead in sacks when you play first base,
It’s not over, yet.
I was a hard core Packers fan and I loved to watch Kevin Greene play at any time. He was also a great guy to have on the Packers defensive staff. He was the only player who I thought would be a perfect compliment to Ray Nitscke. Both of those men were real football players.
He will be missed as is Ray.
Bender2! You have company!
But it doesn’t have much time left.
It better hurry!
“To play as long as Greene did required many physical sacrifices. He once estimated to The Observer that he had 20-30 concussions during his career.”
“I’ve had issues,” he told The Observer in January. “I’ve had both hips replaced, ended up having four shoulder surgeries, I had two stents put in my heart and I lost count of how many concussions I had when I played. But I wouldn’t change anything. It is what it is.... I think I did something that not a lot of people can do, which is play your passion out, all your passion for this game of football that I truly loved.”
Liked him better as a Steeler than with the Packers coaching staff. Rest In Peace, Kevin, your like will me sorely missed.
f**king 2020 just won’t quit.
Remember him from the Rams more than the Steelers. He was a terrific all around guy. I’m always sad when somebody doesn’t make it to my age. RIP Kevin. Vaya con Dios.
Heard it was a heart attack but this needs to be verified.
Wow, four years my Junior. He had some great years with the L.A. Lambs before moving on to Pitts. Hope it wasn’t self induced.
I remember him when he went to the Super Bowl with Steeler against the Cowboys. A reporter asked him if the Cowboys had an advantage over the Steelers because the Cowboys had Cheerleaders and the Steelers did not. He said, “I don’t answer stupid questions.”
Too bad he didn’t know his QB sold out and threw to the other tean.