deceased voters
voters over age 100 / under 18
voters at false addresses (no such address)
Mail in ballots with only a vote for Biden, received after 9PM election night
voters who voted in more than one state
voters who voted both by mail and in person, but both counted
voters whose signatures mismatched
Trump votes thrown away (military)
Trump voters in-person changed to provisional
Biden ballots cured but no opportunity to Trump voters
ballots received before they were sent out
people who moved out of state and still voted
voters with either no birthday or no registration date (01-Jan-1900)
then look for systemic:
batches of 20,000 votes ALL going for Biden after the ballot fairy visted
voters who voted in more than one state
cities like the one in Michigan with red/blue flipped cities where the GOP won Senate
of Dem but Trump underperformed/ Biden overperformed
sworn statements of USPS officials
/ election watchers
/ vote counters
Benford's Law violations
votes by precinct / city / county where the % for Biden is greater than any prior Dem vote in history
cross tab with other known fraud counts for that area
Are you keeping such a spread sheet?