Incredible! The governor is a 'rat so he will not send in the state police to enforce a court order. I don't know if POTUS can order federal LEO's to do such a mission or not. May need a federal court order.
Philly is pure Marxist anarchy. My son flew thru that airport a few years ago and remarked how dreary and unfriendly a place it was. I said, 'Like Moscow's Sheremetyevo in the 70's... a product of socialism.' Philly is lost territory. Watch the movie 'Invincible'.
State police and County Sheriffs are different; AFAIK County Sheriffs don’t have to do or not do what Gov says as though it was law, when the action is actually upholding law/court order. So in this case the Sheriff is corrupt too. Looks like insurrection from the gov site I copied the other day.