I always believed the entree for Tribunals was via FISA and the intel agencies being corrupted (in early digs that was deemed proper avenue to get to tribunals)
I don’t think that’s enough. I think it has to be successfully argued that the federal courts themselves are corrupted.
But...if the riots after the election are so bad that it is hard for courts to function because of the physical damage and threats to the actual federal court buildings...
At that point, the grand conspiracy becomes too hard for even the most stupid in the population not to grasp, you would think. At any rate, a critical mass of people might be red pilled enough that a large portion of the naysayers sulk silently in their dark corners.
The surprising number of suicides will be, well, surprising and be a thing that makes people go, “Hmm.”
But at some point, “mopping op” operations will have to commence and that will be the take down of the lower level flunkies who will be tried the usual way.
I’m thinking that a lot those people we listen to, such as Red Pill 78 and X22 Report, will act as a sort of Court TV.
And we haven’t even gotten into the civil suits where small business owners sue the tech companies for censoring information that resulted in the formation of public opinion that made it easy for politicians to enact lockdowns, etc.
There’s going to be a shortage of good, non-leftist attorneys.