I have been following and have a few suggestions. I will run them by you. Dems insist Trump will eliminate
pre existing conditions” coverage. Where is the written heath plan of over 100 pages. Why isn’t it available.? why doesn’t Pence/Trump refer to same. They let this issue go on and on. Trump should have ADS for this.
Dems keep haranging about the denouncement of White Supremixists(sp). Where are the few clips where Trump totally denounced these people? why aren’t they on a web site and ADS.
People need a visual. Make it so. Something on the Covid would be good also. Maybe Coumo and Murphy killing Srs.
Here’s a description of how ObamaCare works in the real world.
What’s needed is some Cartoons showing the reality:
At our local health center, where we have a lot of people at or below the poverty level. The people who got Obama Care said they regretted it. After they paid for the Insurance which had a high deductible, they could not afford to go to the Dr. or get the tests they needed to get-cause all their money went to the Insurance Company.
At a Federally Qualified Health Center, all the fees and tests are on a sliding scale-based on income, and people without Insurance can schedule payments in whatever amount they can afford.
Obama care failed to provide for their Dr. at the health centers to be included, and they had to get new Dr. that was part of the group. The health center could no longer do any referrals for tests etc.-that had to come from the accepted group.
It’s hard to describe just how awful it is, but the Insurance Companies were guaranteed to come out ahead.