Most SCOTUS decisions lately have been good. A few not, like the transperv one. The Census/illegals question not good either but then it turned out a derp embed in IIRC State Dept messed up the legal stuff that was handed to SCOTUS.
The ones that were NOT good were awful-and just show what a turncoat is. That one to do with Dreamers—That was one of the worst.
Basically SCOTUS ruled that fiat orders that are illegal are perfectly fine, as long as the black robes can find some whimsical excuse to let it stand.
And HEELS UP HARRIS has made it clear that ruling by fiat is just what they plan to do.
Apparently the derp embed totally screwed up the legal docs sent to SCOTUS to ensure they’d reject it. On purpose, and it wasn’t caught before it went to SCOTUS. That’s what I read. But still Roberts should have voted the right way, regardless of doohickies. But there is an upside - if an EO is hard to overturn, then every EO POTUS has signed will be ultra hard for any future bad presidents (hope there aren’t any but who knows) to undo!