To: SaxxonWoods
A friend just called to say Anderson Cooper became unhinged on-air claiming Q followers worship Satan and drink blood. Found nothing on a Bing search.
1,505 posted on
08/20/2020 2:06:53 PM PDT by
(He would see the country burn if he could rule over the ashes)
To: kallisti
Cooper did get exercised yesterday, but I only saw a few seconds of it. I think he was dissing the Q claims of Satanic worship, etc.
1,507 posted on
08/20/2020 2:09:00 PM PDT by
(Prediction: G. Maxwell w ill surprise everyone by not dying anytime soon.)
To: kallisti
To: kallisti; SaxxonWoods
Yesterday, Cooper was screaming at Mike My Pillow Guy over was painful. This is from today:
1,534 posted on
08/20/2020 2:48:03 PM PDT by
Miss Didi
("After all...tomorrow is another day." Scarlett O'Hara, Gone with the Wind)
To: kallisti
“A friend just called to say Anderson Cooper became unhinged on-air claiming Q followers worship Satan and drink blood. “
Isn’t that called “projecting”??
To: kallisti
#1505 A.C. swims in a pool of transference.
1,632 posted on
08/20/2020 6:13:12 PM PDT by
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