step back and think..
protests and censorship have ramped up against Qanon -
WE have a safe space here - so far.
don’t allow outside forces to cause the scenario that threatens the Boss’ ability to leave us in peace.
So far. And keeping it way way means STOP RESPONDING TO TROLLS.
It’s posted all the time but everyone (including me at times) seems to think they are exempt and they alone have the ultimate put-down or response that will drive the troll sniveling back into it’s hole.
It never happens. So STOP! All of us.
That means you. Me. Every damn-body on these threads. Just. Do. Not. Respond. The unwanted trollish behavior will extinguish in the absence of reinforcement, just grin and bear it until that happens. But stop engaging with them and stop giving them a reason to raise hell with Management. OK?
Good reminder, FRen.