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Q Anon: 07/17/20 Trust Trump's Plan ~ Vol.268, Q Day 994 ^ | 07/17/20 | FReepers and FReeQs, vanity

Posted on 07/17/2020 10:44:32 AM PDT by ransomnote

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To: Cats Pajamas

Q Anon: 07/17/20 Trust Trump’s Plan ~ Vol.268, Q Day 994
7/19/2020, 5:45:01 PM · 1,348 of 1,938
Cats Pajamas to TEXOKIE
Hey T, here are some paw paw’s from urban dictionary. Apologies for the naughty words in advance.

Paw Paw
(n)- a city in michigan- so nice they named it twice. known for its grape and wine festival, st. j*l**ns winery, its drug scene(behind the willow tree). Synonym- BumF*ck,Michigan


Paw Paw
Sh*thole town in West Virginia that nobody wants to visit or know it exists. Famous for having a Dollar General and one main road. Popular tourist attractions are the drug dealers and their sewer pond and the Paw Paw tunnel where many people say is haunted.

Also in urban dictionary there was this mention of goat

GOAT - Acronym Greatest of all time

From a naughty dictionary there are these for goat
Goat- lecherous man
Goat - obsolete word for the male you know what
(might as well not let our sensibilities get to offended, we are digging in a gross SWAMP.)


Yeah the paw paw’s are real places. See links below.,_West_Virginia


I won’t say what I am thinking about drugs, tunnels and lecherous men.

I feel like we are living in Bizzaro World.

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


1,941 posted on 07/20/2020 8:51:43 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: Richard Kimball

“...a gunman shot Judge Esther Salas’s spouse and child at their North Brunswick home around 5 p.m. Sunday. Both are in very critical condition, the sources said....”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for the heads up, RK!

1,942 posted on 07/20/2020 8:54:15 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: Melian
Liberalism IS a mental disorder .
1,943 posted on 07/20/2020 9:29:46 PM PDT by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation Camp???)
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To: Richard Kimball
Teresa Heinz Kerry's first husband died in a plane crash.
Paul Wellstone died in a plane crash.
Kobe Bryant died in a plane (helicopter) crash.
Christy Walton (Walmart heiress that contributes to BLM) married into the family. Her husband was killed in a plane crash in 2005.

Hillary was in a plane crash, Ron Brown died in a plane crash (with a bullet) Do you remember the incident where an executive jet flew from Florida across the US, everyone on board already dead, til it ran out of fuel and crashed?

Who was on that one?

1,944 posted on 07/20/2020 9:37:05 PM PDT by ROCKLOBSTER (Celebrate "Republicans Freed the Slaves Month".)
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Do you remember the incident where an executive jet flew from Florida across the US, everyone on board already dead, til it ran out of fuel and crashed?

Who was on that one?

Payne Stewart. Golfer. Supposedly the cabin lost pressurization while the plane was on autopilot. Flew for four hours and fifteen hundred miles before crashing. BTW, I barely remembered the name. Looked up the rest.

1,945 posted on 07/20/2020 9:50:22 PM PDT by Richard Kimball (WWG1WGA)
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To: smileyface; bagster; CJ Wolf; grey_whiskers; Bigg Red; LucyT; nanetteclaret; MileHi; ...

"And the best way to protect our Q space is to ignore the trolls." - bitt


"You are very wise, bitt." -smileyface

smileyface - yep, we were a little off on that previous response-

but we needed pla/*iability for comms.

a hat-tip to you guys for battles fought;

and those battles yet to come...



1,946 posted on 07/20/2020 11:06:18 PM PDT by foldspace (Hillary is still not a >convicted< criminal...)
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To: little jeremiah
If Trump and team are fooled or helpless, then we are of course totally doomed.

Which I do not believe or accept as true, with tons of evidence!

Sun Tzu "Balk the enemy's power; force him to reveal himself."

Sun Tzu "He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.

You can only fight on so many fronts at once. Ask hitler. President Trump has prioritized his battles. Wray's day will come.

1,947 posted on 07/22/2020 12:24:11 PM PDT by The Toddler (He that tooteth not his own horn; The same shall n</i>ot be tooted.)
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To: The Toddler

Agree. I assume Wray is heavily leveraged. Trump is clearly one of Sun Tzu’s best students ever.

1,948 posted on 07/22/2020 12:30:00 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: foldspace
From Lisa Mei Crowley, she hasn't been banned yet:

1,949 posted on 07/22/2020 12:32:41 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: little jeremiah

ACk I’m on the old thread....

1,950 posted on 07/22/2020 12:38:08 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: Wneighbor
My take away from this is that most people in North America would do well with a “D” supplement.

Mrs. Toddler and I take a D supplement every day even though I'm outside a lot. I recommend you get the D+K2. There are several good videos on youtube about the benefits of K2 with your D.

We also supplement with Lugol's iodine. Again youtube is a good source of info.

Public service announcement :)

1,951 posted on 07/22/2020 2:11:20 PM PDT by The Toddler (He that tooteth not his own horn; The same shall n</i>ot be tooted.)
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Who was on that one?

Golfer Payne Stewart.

1,952 posted on 07/22/2020 2:42:13 PM PDT by The Toddler (He that tooteth not his own horn; The same shall n</i>ot be tooted.)
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The following excerpt comes from Carlos Osweda on Twitter:

We all know that Trump is a student of The Art of War, by Sun Tzu.

But let’s look at The Thirty-six Stratagems, by Wang Jingze, which Trump also studies.

I’ll list just a few.

Mask one’s real goals from those in authority who lack vision by not alerting them to one’s movements or any part of one’s plan.

Wait at leisure while the enemy labors. Encourage the enemy to expend their energy in futile quests while one conserves their strength. When the enemy is exhausted and confused, attack with energy and purpose.

Create something from nothing. A plain lie. Make somebody believe there was something when there is in fact nothing or vice versa.

Deceive the enemy with an obvious approach that will take a very long time, while ambushing them with another approach.

Delay entering the field of battle until all other parties become exhausted by fighting amongst each other. Go in at full strength and finish them off.

Do something unusual, strange, and unexpected to arouse the enemy’s suspicion and disrupt their thinking.

Tying silk blossoms on a dead tree gives the illusion that the tree is healthy. Using artifice and disguise, make something worthless appear valuable and vice versa.

In important matters, one should use several stratagems applied simultaneously after another as in a chain of stratagems. Keep different plans operating in an overall scheme; if any one strategy fails, apply the next strategy.

1,953 posted on 07/22/2020 5:49:35 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who or what is Q?

The top section of the table linked in Post #2 of our thread contains links to articles and short videos which answer this question well.

We understand that you may have other questions. Below, please find some of the replies (i.e., user posts and links) which we are in the process of collecting to answer visitors' questions.

2. What is The Plan?

There are many answers to this question. The plan is massive and complex;  few people stand ready to provide a simple answer. While there are sometimes concise, summarizing statements, it's unlikely they would satisfy the question. The answer is not simple.

Click here to read about a few facets of The Plan taking place within the U.S.

3. Is the Q movement a cult?

“Q is not a religion or a cult, anymore than belief in free markets, the Constitution, liberty and American exceptionalism is cult-like. Belief that what someone is telling us is true, because we have researched and decided for ourselves, is not religious belief, it is a fact-based rationally derived opinion in the trustworthiness of a source of information.” ~Defiant

4. Why don't people following Q just answer my questions instead of pointing me to information? 

We'd like to help, but the best way to find out what's really going on is to research it for yourself. There is so much disinformation about Q, you'll need to rely on your own research and judgement to be able see through the deception. We've added many research links to the table at the start of the thread that can point you to good online reviewers and resources.

5. Q seems to talk in riddles. Why doesn't Q use plain language?

"If Q is really an insider (as we believe), he/they CANNOT just spill what they know because much of it is classified, including all conversations with POTUS, Pompeo etc.

That's why the communications are in the form of questions, hints, ambiguities and "coincidences" that preclude the possibilities of random chance.

Of course millions of us find the pursuit of these leads entertaining as well, which helps to build the sense of community (((WWG1WGA))) that is definitely part of the plan." ~ Disestablishmentarian

6. What is the 'Socratic Method' and why does Q use it?

Click here to watch part of a video provided by Cletus.D.Yokel which describes the usefulness of the Socratic Method.

7. Why haven't we seen Hillary, Obama, Comey perp walked yet?

"If you have a dem judge trying a case against a derper like Hillary, it would not last long. It would follow the pattern established by a Carter appointed federal judge in Birmingham when former Alabama dem governor Don Siegleman was on trial for one of his many corrupt dealings.

When the jury was seated and jeopardy had attached, the judge decided to rule the prosecution’s evidence inadmissable. The U.S. Attorney had no choice but to dismiss the case, and they were barred by the Constitution from trying the case again. No testimony was taken and no evidence admitted, but Siegleman walked.

The same thing will happen if a dem appointed judge is presiding over a derp trial. As soon as the trial passes the point of no return, the judge will issue a ruling that guts the prosecution’s case. The dems and their media will then go all out claiming that it was a witch hunt using fake evidence, while the derps walk out like Bill Ayers, guilty as sin but free as a bird." ~ Yawningotter

8. Why do some Q drops include disinformation, when Q's purpose is to help us resesarch the truth about what's going on?

"As a general rule, the more someone goes around blabbing about how 'in the know' they are about classified matters/ operations, the less likely they have ever known anything worth talking about.

Winston Churchill said, "In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." Not all wars are fought in the open. Evil exists in this world and oft time it must be fought out of sight of the public to protect them.

It is always more important to protect the innocent than punish the wicked. That doesn't mean that the wicked go unpunished. It may mean that the punishment takes place out of the public's sight.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just because you don't see things being done doesn't mean that things aren't being done. Yes, it can be frustrating." ~ LonePalm

9. What is behind the push to deceive the public (even some FReepers) into falsely believing, "It's no's never going to get any better!" or, "Even if President Trump exposes the crimes of the swamp, nothing will happen...."?

"Yuri Bezmenov, Soviet defector and KGB operative described the purpose of demoralization:

"A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fat-bottom.

When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That's the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization." ~ Oratam

10. Aren't you just waiting for Q or POTUS to save us instead of doing something to support Trump's plan yourselves?

Click here to read a few of the ways we're supporting POTUS by following Q.

11. Sometimes threads feature name calling, insults, etc. on both sides of the Q issue. Why the hostility? 

"I’m pretty new here in that I just started following the “Q” thread in August while I was bored camping. I have been a FReeper since 1998, though I fade in and out of activity over the years. I, too, was taken by the hostility on the thread and quickness to “take up arms” although it is not uncommon on the rest of the board and on the net in general.

I’m going to put in my two cents though and blame it on the non-believers. They have a way of coming on here and insulting those who follow Q ... insulting their intelligence and belittling them, which seems to be borne of a desperate desire to be right. I understand now why freeq’s (i.e., Q supporters) are so quick to counter-attack, and it’s because they have been attacked from all quadrants... even being quarantined to one thread by the BO.

It doesn’t make sense for non-believers to be so zealous in their efforts to prove that Q is a lark ... after all if a bunch of strangers are deluded, it’s no skin off their back and the FReeqs still participate in elections, activism, etc. No, their zealousness can only be read as a FEAR of being proven wrong and being on the wrong side of history. For this reason I will always side with those who search out knowledge and dare to believe that someday justice could come to those who deserve it... Whether Q is a larp or the greatest milint op ever to light up the new frontiers of the Information Age." ~ Ez

12. What is taking so long!?

There are many excellent accounts describing why this battle to save America (and humanity), which the enemy prepared for over many generations, has not yet been resolved.

Click here to read Paul Serran's response to this question. 

13. Is it true that the Department of Justice is not really investigating anything, and that nothing will be done regarding the coup, FISA, Hillary etc.

No, it is not true. Criminal enterprises are prosecuted starting from the bottom of the organization and working upward, so that by the time the people at the top of the Deep State hierarchy arrive in court, the prosecution is holding convictions of all the lower level criminals responsible for carrying out the orders of the top level criminals.

Indictments against famous persons or public officials are often sealed to protect the reputation of those who have yet to be convicted of a crime. Traitors like Hillary, Clapper, and Obama would never admit to the public they've been indicted. The MSM is almost entirely a CIA mouthpeice and will not use their usual leaks to expose indictments against Deep State actors.

Three weeks after William Barr became AG and had access to the documentation behind the Russia Hoax, both Mueller and Rosenstein left the DOJ. They were allowed to appear to leave on their own terms in order to avoid the promised rioting and the creation of a constitutional crisis threatened at the time. But they have left behind a solid trail of evidence which has been working its way through the tedious legal procedures required to underpin grand juries, hearings, trials and convictions.

This information is being slowly released through legal means and is showing up in online articles, interviews, and accounts from individuals like like Catherine Herridge, Dan Scavino, John Solomon and Sara Carter.

Evidence of the coup is being slowly introduced to the public, because the truth is so different from three+ years worth of the MSM's 24/7 propaganda, citizens need time to accept the degree of betrayal and treason that exposure will bring.

14. Why would you still believe anything will happen after we all saw Hillary walk away from hearings without a slap on the wrist?

The people involved in lying to protect Hillary during her fake "show" hearing(s) just prior to the 2016 election have been "left" the DOJ .

Once again, they were allowed to appear to leave on their own terms only because it serves to protect the stability of the government. They are gone, but by no means forgotten.

People who believe that Hillary's fake 2016 show trial "proves" that upcoming trials against her and other traitors will likewise be a waste of time are not taking into consideration that Trump is now president and things have changed (e.g., the people who protected her are gone, Trump has appointed new 200 federal judges)

15. Why Q didn’t know about some of the "sleeper agents" beforehand?

"After Reagan, we had Bush-Clinton-Clinton-Bush-Bush-Obama-Obama....just about the entire executive branch was compromised over a 28 year period. Early on, Clinton fired 93 DOJ lawyers. They remade the government in their image.

This is an attempt to take down the global cartel. Trump couldn't come in and fire everybody, so embedded agents (sleepers) sat, quietly doing their job, waiting until they were needed to throw a wrench in the works. A lot of them have been caught and neutralized, but there are legions of them. They don't hold up their hands and say, "I'm deep state." As they're discovered, they're cleansed. Sometimes, this puts plans back." ~ Richard Kimball 

1,954 posted on 07/25/2020 1:11:23 AM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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