And check out what Ivanka posted today on her YouTube channel. 🤣— 5D Justice (@5D_Justice) June 25, 2020
Thanks, bitt -
WOW people should check out Ivanka’s video today! Total Q message
That’s awesome!
I also read some very good news on CFP: Laura Loomer has an impressive lead in her Florida congressional race and is on track to WIN! I just signed up for Parler in order to follow her because she was banned and blocked from every social media platform for having the audacity to ask questions the Left did not want to hear (such as “Why did you marry your brother?” of Ilhan Omar). She also took a camera crew to Nancy Pelosi’s house and made Mad Maxine so mad she actually assaulted Laura (of course the capitol police could care less).
She’s a fearless fighter and if she gets elected to Congress her rise to the top will be faster than AOCs.
WOW. That’s a very nifty video. Is it Ivanka’s for real? Says just signed up 4/17/2020. Looks legit, but I couldn’t prove it if I had to.
Did you notice Vincent Fucia at the end? Hmmmmm
Q in your face from Invanka
note the JFKjr bit in there
Is that really Ivankas site as it seems to be all German comments?
I don’t think that’s a legitimate site but still a very cool video.