thanks for’s a tweet with a video that has additional kids Biden was fondling... and expanding video of what we had previosuly seen.
This is in conjunction with a dissertation from a Prof. Anthony Zenkus about “grooming” behaviors and “tells”
I have also seen an expanded video of the swearing-in proceedings where Biden is basically being a director, being sure to place\force\manueveur the kids to be in front of him for the photos.
I’ll see if I can dig it up and save it for posterity.
This is in conjunction with a dissertation from a Prof. Anthony Zenkus about grooming behaviors and tells
Excellent - sharing that and also with my son who has a different network. Knocking out Biden would be a huge win for our side regardless of what the MSDNC would claim.
Ping me when you find that video of the Michelle Bachmann searing-in.
It was taken “live” so it may have been edited prior to archiving.
The 1st 90 seconds of the C-SPAN video is the tell.