What kind of room might that be?
What kind of room might that be?
Dual duty! When she's not helping Joe to find the bathroom (they can prolly pass that off to some undocumented assistant) she can pretty-smile her fans to let them know its OK to vote for the harmless touchy old man and that however messed up their life they were born that way so no need to ever ever change!
(The Pythia, priestess of Apollo at Delphi sitting over the navel of the world (and yes...she inhaled!)
LaGaga..is a priestess, a cultural "Thought leader" blowing her pipe and leading children through a downward doorway in a mountain side. (And now elevated like a Comet to a new spirit cooking occultist high priestess?)
(Entrance to the cave of the Sybil of Cumae.)
Interesting Tweet! Thanks for posting!
Unrelated but did you see The Pinhead is launching his seond annual beg-a-thon on GoFundMe to raise $20K to pay his rent and car payments so he can blog and bloviate full time and not have to deliver newspapers?
Figured you’d want to be one of the first to drop a slug down the slot ;-)