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To: CJ Wolf
pepes in festival! don't know it yet. 4pepe clover for good luck.

23 posted on 06/06/2020 9:27:10 PM PDT by CJ Wolf ( #wwg1wga #Godwins)
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These NG are people’s moms, dads, sons and daughters. In some areas they are probably the only reason aside from the ebil popo that seniors and poor people who can’t drive can still buy food in their neighborhood in spite of demonic bolsheviks doing their level best to burn everything down.

Tired of hearing people on our side saying eff them let it burn just because they’re blue zones. There are many people like us who are stuck in blue zones. Contrary to what some would have you believe it isn’t easy for everyone to just up and move it depends on if you can get a job do you have the money, etc. Also, I still believe not all dems have totally lost their dang minds. A lot of them have and sadly enough many of my own distant family have.

The dems and rinos who are wrecking it all and suffering greatly from TDS are probably not as many as the media would have us believe they are the only ones who get airtime though and are the useful idiots of our time.

If they get their stupid revolution they’ll be some of the first to go.

(Bringing this over from festival cooked dinner and got behind)

24 posted on 06/06/2020 9:32:04 PM PDT by Califreak (If Obama had been treated like Trump the US would have been burnt down before Inauguration Day)
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To: CJ Wolf; Tobias Grimsley; WildHighlander57; bitt; thinden; little jeremiah; fedupjohn; ...

22,876 New Cases today is right down the center of the expected NEW LINEAR channel.

A few more days will confirm this; but it appears there was a "Catch-up" of past cases yesterday. From what I could tell, it was across all states. So I'm thinking maybe someone gathered up old cases that had not entered the statistics previously and dumped them in last night.

Soooooo ... the Hypothesis is still viable that: Red States OPENING and Blue States RIOTING will not significantly impact the (gradually receding) course of the epidemic.

United States CHINAVIRUS Cases (includes "Recoveries")

Date    	New	 Total  	New Linear Model
        	Cases	 Cases   	Since
         	Actual	 Actual     	5/9/2020
3/14/2020		 2,717 	
3/15/2020	 761 	 3,478 	
3/16/2020	 1,167 	 4,645 	
3/17/2020	 1,717 	 6,362 	
3/18/2020	 1,407 	 7,769 	
3/19/2020	 5,911 	 13,680 	
3/20/2020	 5,605 	 19,285 	
3/21/2020	 7,462 	 26,747 	
3/22/2020	 8,478 	 35,225 	
3/23/2020	11,107 	 46,332 	
3/24/2020	 8,816 	 55,148 	
3/25/2020	13,870 	 69,018 	
3/26/2020	16,635 	 85,653 	
3/27/2020	19,363 	 105,016 	
3/28/2020	19,448 	 124,464 	
3/29/2020	17,892 	 142,356 	
3/30/2020	22,003 	 164,359 	
3/31/2020	25,151 	 189,510 	
4/1/2020	27,005 	 216,515 	
4/2/2020	28,698 	 245,213 	
4/3/2020	32,740 	 277,953 	
4/4/2020	34,123 	 312,076 	
4/5/2020	25,544 	 337,620 	
4/6/2020	30,576 	 368,196 	
4/7/2020	31,916 	 400,112 	
4/8/2020	32,020 	 432,132 	
4/9/2020	33,618 	 465,750 	
4/10/2020	35,551 	 501,301 	
4/11/2020	31,942 	 533,243 	
4/12/2020	27,289 	 560,532 	
4/13/2020	26,623 	 587,155 	
4/14/2020	26,937 	 614,092 	
4/15/2020	30,468 	 644,560 	
4/16/2020	35,221 	 679,781 	
4/17/2020	30,550 	 710,331 	
4/18/2020	29,521 	 739,852 	
4/19/2020	24,413 	 764,265 	
4/20/2020	28,648 	 792,913 	
4/21/2020	32,128 	 825,041 	
4/22/2020	24,051 	 849,092 	
4/23/2020	37,617 	 886,709 	
4/24/2020	38,329 	 925,038 	
4/25/2020	35,858 	 960,896 	
4/26/2020	26,426 	 987,322 	
4/27/2020	23,185 	 1,010,507 	
4/28/2020	25,258 	 1,035,765 	
4/29/2020	28,807 	 1,064,572 	
4/30/2020	30,638 	 1,095,210 	
5/1/2020	36,242 	 1,131,452 	
5/2/2020	29,312 	 1,160,764 	
5/3/2020	27,358 	 1,188,122 	
5/4/2020	24,778 	 1,212,900 	
5/5/2020	24,763 	 1,237,663 	
5/6/2020	25,520 	 1,263,183 	
5/7/2020	29,440 	 1,292,623 	
5/8/2020	29,162 	 1,321,785 	
5/9/2020	25,524 	 1,347,309 	 1,347,309 
5/10/2020	20,329 	 1,367,638 	 1,369,669 
5/11/2020	18,196 	 1,385,834 	 1,392,029 
5/12/2020	22,802 	 1,408,636 	 1,414,389 
5/13/2020	21,712 	 1,430,348 	 1,436,749 
5/14/2020	27,245 	 1,457,593 	 1,459,109 
5/15/2020	26,692 	 1,484,285 	 1,481,469 
5/16/2020	23,488 	 1,507,773 	 1,503,829 
5/17/2020	19,891 	 1,527,664 	 1,526,189 
5/18/2020	22,630 	 1,550,294 	 1,548,549 
5/19/2020	20,279 	 1,570,573 	 1,570,909 
5/20/2020	22,466 	 1,593,039 	 1,593,269 
5/21/2020	27,863 	 1,620,902 	 1,615,629 
5/22/2020	24,192 	 1,645,094 	 1,637,989 
5/23/2020	21,734 	 1,666,828 	 1,660,349 
5/24/2020	19,608 	 1,686,436 	 1,682,709 
5/25/2020	19,790 	 1,706,226 	 1,705,069 
5/26/2020	19,049 	 1,725,275 	 1,727,429 
5/27/2020	20,528 	 1,745,803 	 1,749,789 
5/28/2020	22,658 	 1,768,461 	 1,772,149 
5/29/2020	25,069 	 1,793,530 	 1,794,509 
5/30/2020	23,290 	 1,816,820 	 1,816,869 
5/31/2020	20,350 	 1,837,170 	 1,839,229 
6/1/2020	22,153 	 1,859,323 	 1,861,589 
6/2/2020	21,882 	 1,881,205 	 1,883,949 
6/3/2020	20,578 	 1,901,783 	 1,906,309 
6/4/2020	22,268 	 1,924,051 	 1,928,669 
6/5/2020	41,657 	 1,965,708 	 1,951,029 
6/6/2020	22,876 	 1,988,584 	 1,973,389 
6/7/2020		        	 1,995,749 
6/8/2020	 -   	           	 2,018,109 
6/9/2020	 -   	        	 2,040,469 
6/10/2020	 -       		 2,062,829 
6/11/2020	 -        		 2,085,189 
6/12/2020	 -         		 2,107,549 
6/13/2020	 -          		 2,129,909 
6/14/2020	 -         		 2,152,269 
6/15/2020	 -          		 2,174,629 
6/16/2020	 -           		 2,196,989 
6/17/2020	 -          		 2,219,349 
6/18/2020	 -        		 2,241,709 
6/19/2020	 -           		 2,264,069 

32 posted on 06/06/2020 9:39:12 PM PDT by Disestablishmentarian ("the right of the people peaceably to assemble")
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