>> Food for thought: Why did Rosenstein release FBI’s Peter Strzok and Lisa Page Texts?
Lisa Page text:
“Yes bc POTUS wants to know everything we are doing.
Maybe to create ambiguity about RR.
Maybe foreshadowing. Most people seem unable to handle startling info when they are slapped in the face with it. The Q plan calls for it to be dripped out in tiny increments so it can be absorbed. And some people need info repeated dozens or hundreds of times before it sinks in.
Those of us following Q have known since the beginning (or before) that the treason when right to the top (0vomit). In fact, most of us have known that it went higher than 0vomit. But the public, especially the liberal, MSM-consuming, sheeple public were not ready for that info back when the texts were released.
Are they ready now?
Just my guesses. I think there are likely other reasons that I haven’t thought of.
For us it is a no-brainer from day one. For me day one was 1988.