End of todays Briefing for those who missed it (GoTo 1hr 43min 18sec) POTUS points at Chinese Reporter...
Hopefully this is accurate:
During a fact filled announcement about testing, a reporter, who is Chinese, or of Chinese descent asked, “You’ve said many time that the US is doing far better than any other country, when it comes to testing. What does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you, if every day American are still losing their lives, and we’re still seeing more cases every day?”
Trump replied, “Well their losing their lives everywhere in the world, and maybe that’s a question you should ask China. Don’t ask me, ask China that question, OK, when you ask them that question, you may be a very unusual answer. Yes, behind you please.”
At this point the original reporter interrupted and asked, “Why are you saying that to me, specifically?”. Trump replies, “I’m not saying that specifically to anybody, I’m saying to to anyone who would ask a nasty question.”
Watch the MSM scream racism, because the reporter was of Chinese descent, or in fact Chinese. That’s how they operate.
He cut her a break, actually.
Trump could have just as easily had said, “That’s a question you should ask your Chinese Communist Party handlers.”