Of course Q famously said if RR bad, RM is bad too. And vice versa presumably.
I still think Mueller and RR, despite their extreme derpishness, helped Trump.
HOW? They grabbed up all the evidence and all the headlines for 2 years, while POTUS cleaned house and added 2 SCOTUS Justices for the ultimate fight.
The RATs had ONE CHANCE to pull off this TREASON ... and that chance was in 2017, when many weak Republicans were all wobbly.
They were entranced by the shiny object of Mueller and his 13 angry Democrats.
And don’t forget, after POTUS fired Comey THEY HAD TO FIND SOME WAY OF KEEPING THE “INVESTIGATION” FROM FALLING INTO HANDS OF MACCABE. (They needed some breathing room to fire him too!)
:: And vice versa presumably. ::
And, just like that, every thing following this falls apart.