The virus by itself could have never had this effect. It was force-multiplied by the media.
Pelosi and Schiff should be hanged. They are identical in TREASON to the agents of Joseph Stalin who infiltrated the United States Government of FDR. I am referring specifically to Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White and, most importantly FDR's "Co-President" Harry Hopkins.
Of course, besides Pelosi and Schiff, there are many other absolute Traitors, guilty of TREASON, in the media and government. We know many of their names, such as John Brennan, Hillary Clinton etc. NOTE: A person gets to be Speaker of the House by funneling money to the back benchers who lack the financial support from their own districts to get elected. THAT MONEY THROUGH PELOSI, and before that, RYAN, is a big part of how the United States government is controlled by interests inimical to America.
This Treason against the United States of America, in all its forms and tentacles, is the REAL CONSPIRACY.
Use your imagination after that.