thanx. after former Pres. Obama’s tweet, I was trying to show how long it took him to do things that he’s asking Pres.
Trump to do... and he was dealing with flu, which we already had a history of handling...though not at a pandemic level.
School closings didn’t hurt so much because the outbreak was in April and the closings started at the end of April.
At no time did we close down the country.
- 5 different vaccines.
- it was in December 2009 that all people could finally be vaccinated if they wanted it.
- it almost forever for anyone who wanted a test can get it.
- 5 months later - Sept. - we had 1,000 test kits shipped to 120 domestic and 250 international laboratories in 140
countries since May 1, 2009.
1000 test kits in 5 months?
What Pres. Trump has gotten people to accomplish in a short period of time is absolutely incredible.
::What Pres. Trump has gotten people to accomplish in a short period of time is absolutely incredible.::
Trump is a man like no other.