I appreciate the attention given to the opioid epidemic, but comparing it in this instance is flawed.
People have to actively choose to take opioids. It does not get transmitted to unwilling strangers (except by way of crime).
If an addict coughs all over a surface and accidentally touch it, there is ZERO chance I will start craving meth.
Over the last 6 weeks, I was hospitalized twice. I had all the symptoms of COVID-19 the first time except the fever. At that point, my body temp was abnormally low and I was starved for oxygen and gasping for breath. They didn’t test me because I wasn’t in the high risk category.
I was back in 3 weeks later. They told me they were saving the tests for high risk people, but this time I had pneumonia (something they cleared me of the first time).
I’ve had the flu before. Usually a few days of rest, vitamins, and over the counter meds works.
This is still kicking my ass and I’ve had enough steroids and drugs in me, I’m like a walking pharmacy.
I heard that steroids could make this worse. I have no idea how valid that idea is, but you mentioning it makes me wonder.
TheWriterTX — how are you now? If I might ask, did you have any underlying health symptoms before this?