Steinbacher keeps them awake at night, just as Velikovsky did.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Yes, but you know exactly how those toxic substances got into earth’s H20. All that material out of the grand canyon and other places reduced to constituent elements, including toxins , by nature’s particle accelerator plasma storms world wide.
Others do not know exactly, like the rubes who wrote the explanation of their otherwise unexplainable findings.We are to believe that these toxins were absorbed by the world water supply because the glaciers melted and caused the to dissolve from a general rise in the oceans? No where nearly enough tonnage to make anywhere near their findings through a leaching process involving water and exposed mineral deposits.
Mercury , cadmium, silica all are a byproducts of huge ejecta clouds due to self sustained continuous plasma strikes, so hot and continuous that these rarer elements such as cadmium and mercury were deposited by the violent storms directly into earths water supply:
“Lightning in this region had to be imposing. A plasma intensifies in a shear zone, meaning it generates ion content due to the shearing and extreme temperature and pressure differentials. Shearing supersonic winds bounce shock waves between them, generating the highest current density in jet-streams that extended for thousands of miles. Lightning discharged from these plasma streams focused on the piling mountains below with the capacity of a thousand-mile-long thunderstorm being continually fed new energy.”
thanks for the link, extraordinary content.