· Alright Everyone, Keep Calm and Quarantine On! With the threat of COVID-19, we ask for everyone to do their part to slow the spread of the virus. Please hold off on the burglarizing, robberizing, thefting, hooliganing, and general shenaniganing for at least the next six weeks but preferably forever.
But seriously, follow the recommendations by the CDC to help protect yourself and others. Wash your hands often, avoid touching your face, practice social distancing (some of yall have been training your whole life for this), clean and disinfect surfaces in your home and use hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol if hand washing is not available at that moment. If you find that you are feeling sick (fever, cough, shortness of breath), stay at home, isolate yourself and call your healthcare provider. Check out CDC.Gov for more info from the CDC.
Rest assured, the City of Pasco has been working and planning for whatever comes next and maintaining our ability to deliver the outstanding emergency services we provide. Keep in mind that we are all working through this together and much of the effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 is for the protection of our friends and family members who fall into the category of the most vulnerable. Take care of your families, plan for what you need for a week or two but remember, we all need toilet paper too so save some for the rest of us! For local information, visit Pasco-Wa.Gov and click on the link for COVID-19 information.
In conclusion, chillax, breathe (at least six feet away from others), maybe go to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for this whole thing to blow over.
#KeepCalmAndQuarantineOn #QuarantineAndChill #CantTouchThis #TalkinAboutMyFace #TheWinchesterIsProbablyClosedRightNowTemporarily #TPForMy #WellYouKnow
That is great.
We just have to keep our sense of humor in trying times.